Joe Don Baker IS Mitchell

Plus a bunch of poorly trained operators performing tests that the system was never designed to handle.

He was asked about it directly. He said it was the interviewer's imagination. Time to let the urban legend die.

You know, that's a really funny thing about Mormonism - not many people, especially Mormons themselves, know how much Joseph Smith took from Freemasonry. His whole early life consisted of getting kicked out of various (sometimes secret) groups and clubs until he decided to start his own.

You have a low threshold for impoliteness. And you apparently have better eyes than the guy who made the movie, so congrats!

It's not "fake," but it's not the actresses. Even Lynch himself shot that idea down. It's just another example of people trying to tie every Lynch film into some Marvel-styled connected universe.

No, they aren't.

I grew up close to Nauvoo and learned a VERY different version of the Mormon War than what the LDS promotes.

I would argue that Mormonism is weirder by the simple fact that it adds a whole new book of weirdness on top of what was already pretty weird to begin with.

No booze, plus all the hot young ladies are already married to elderly church officials.

You guys really dodged a bullet there.

I was at the gym. Everyone in there was so glued to the screen that I started getting flashbacks of the white Bronco chase.

All of these video essays need to be replaced by Why Is Cinema.

The Ozarks are nearby Chicago? Wow, thanks for the lesson on Midwest geography!

I think most of the negative reaction when it was released was due to people wanting a return to the coffee-and-pie Twin Peaks of the show, which was very fresh in people's minds. They weren't expecting, well, a David Lynch film about a very, very dark subject.

He got a story credit, but the movie didn't keep any of his ideas. The script was 100% O'Bannon

I forgot about that one. Actually, I've forgotten most of Land…

I'm also waiting for a Blu-ray upgrade for the Dawn box set that came out years ago. I have a soft spot for Dario Argento's edit.

Chef Brockett even had a zombie cameo in Day Of The Dead!

"Well, actually" time: They are called zombies once in Dawn Of The Dead by Peter, right before the bikers break into the mall.
I vaguely remember Romero mentioning that they started getting called zombies in reviews of NOTLD, and it stuck.

The only reason NOTLD looks "classic" to you is likely because you've seen it on poor transfers of grainy prints. It was shot on 35mm on modern (for the time) cameras. Hell, they only reason they chose to film in B&W was because they could do it in 35mm as opposed to 16mm if they went with color.