If that's how you feel about The Elephant Man, you have a horrible eye.
If that's how you feel about The Elephant Man, you have a horrible eye.
We've reached a "No true Scotsman" argument about film stock. Christ, what a world.
"You mean the movie lied?!?"
The movie isn't adapting the first book. Looks like it's taking most of it's cues from the third, but overall it doesn't seem like they're doing any of the books at all.
Many, many years ago I came across a temporary tattoo of him. I wore it with pride for those three days.
Big Book Of Butts on your butt?
Sadly, the given reasons were variations on "political correctness run amok."
I've probably seen Night Of The Living Dead more times than any other film. Completely changed my life when I saw it as an impressionable 11 year old. Thank you for that, George.
I made the mistake of peeking at the Facebook comments for BBC's announcement. Holy Fuck. They are out there, trust me. What was most disturbing is that the majority of people who were claiming they'd never watch the show again were middle-aged women.
Oh I know, I know. Its too bad we didn't see his whole arc play out. I've been meaning to check out some of his Big Finish episodes, which I've heard are excellent.
"…but there hasn't been a bad Doctor yet…"
Colin Baker: Hold my beer.
Olivia Coleman was one of my top two picks for 12 (hadn't even considered Capaldi, but when he was announced I thought it was an amazing choice). I'd bet Coleman was in the running this time around too, but they probably wanted a younger Doctor again.
I'm hoping my niece will be happy about this. She's only 11 but already knows a staggering amount about the classic series and the new, so hopefully this will be exciting news for her.
Excited about Whittaker, still worried about Chibnall.
I remember reading something about that. But I really don't think his career could have survived playing a ninja using a Garfield phone anyway.
Weird, I was just telling a friend the other night about the genius of Godfrey Ho's cut-and-paste ninja filmmaking. "Hey, let's take an unreleased Hong Kong crime film and mix in 20 minutes of reuseable footage we shot in the Philippines and make over a dozen movies out of it!"
Because everyone knows McCormick did all the work.
"Okay, spoiler: Pretty much Morty dies in all of them."
I think you mean that he dies in none of them. Christ, did you even bother watching them first?
People freaked out about Grizzly Man glamorizing hanging out with bears. People are stupid.
Yeah, it can affect different people in different ways. My issues sound a lot like your friend's. I would go weeks or even months without even thinking about having a drink, but then be out at a gathering and get utterly, embarrassingly, and dangerously trashed. It didn't happen every time, but far too often to be…