"Jokes" are a new concept to you, aren't they?
"Jokes" are a new concept to you, aren't they?
Hey Sherri, it's okay, not everyone has to love your music.
Besser or DeRita?
Wait, you mean he hasn't?
Yes, because Evans was 100% totally serious and literal.
Anyone else here old enough to remember when Duke tried to remake himself into a viable political candidate by renouncing his racist and anti-semitic ways? Yeah, that didn't last long.
You've posted under (at least) three different aliases. Something tells me you're a lot more bothered by diversity than you let on.
A Sentient Title Crawl And The Personification Of Hyperspace Pound My Wampa Butt
Curvy Connelly is the best Connelly.
Well, there was this great site called The Dissolve. All the writers came from another site that I'm forgetting the name of…
I've talked with Tommy, and I really wanted to give him a hug, too. For all his bullshit about intentionally making a comedy (which is partly true, its just that none of the comedy even remotely works), he really is genuine and sincere about people enjoying their experience of the film in whatever form that takes.
When will shitty movies learn to stop referencing far, far superior films?
This is as good of a place as any to bring it up…
Oh, definitely not.
I think Mark Frost talked about this, but if the series had continued, Harry and the others were going to find an entry in Laura's diary describing a scene in the movie - her waking up with Annie next to her, telling her that Cooper was trapped in the Black Lodge. After reading it, the realize Coop isn't himself any…
There must have been huge rewrites when they made the new character, because Desmond comes across as the anti-Cooper. In fact, his whole segment of the movie is like the Bizzaro World version of Twin Peaks.
But apparently it's how you become president.
Yep, I think that was it. Almost positive. I remember it a little differently, but that can be accounted for by the fact that I was only 7 or 8 when I saw it. Thanks!
I'm 99% sure it was Barefoot Gen, thanks to someone posting a clip.
Ron, Ron loves Twizzlers.