Joe Don Baker IS Mitchell

I'm still trying to identify an animated film which depicted the bombing of Hiroshima (I think) that I saw when I was really young back in the early 80s. From my memory, it was ridiculously graphic, so I assume I stumbled upon it on PBS because it was certainly too explicit for anything on the major networks.

Hell, you'd need a second word just for all the future stars who showed up on Gunsmoke.

You really only need Bee Thousand.
(I kid, I'm a big fan)

As a Type 1 diabetic, she was a massive inspiration and role model. Not long ago most of us wouldn't see 50 let alone 80, and much of that change is thanks to the work of the JDRF. So thank you, Mary Tyler Moore.
And seriously, fuck the ADA and those self-inflicted Type 2 bastards. She made it to 80 and you can't even

The Pixies are on tour. The Pixies have always been on tour.

I think Snyder understood the simplest, most banal reading of the source material, as in "If super heroes were real they'd be pretty fucked up people." That's how he was able to make a movie out of it. Go any deeper and even Terry Gilliam couldn't figure out how to bring it across on film.

That's probably one of the least-weird things Moore thinks.

I'd disagree on that. In the comic it's desperate because they're old, out of shape, and out of practice. But it's still foreplay.

If only these girls had a 1-900 number to call and talk to Slenderman, maybe this never would have happened.

Unfortunately , those are also signs of a of a common neurotransmitter imbalance.

Wait, you guys hate Jews because they aren't funny? Hmmmm, I guess one of them should get around to making something as good as Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles, then all is forgiven.

Eh, mountain lion or bear is way too strong, as much as they'd like to think of themselves as such. A more apt description would be a naked shrew.

There's a big history of sightings of lights/UFOs in southern Illinois and the Metro East, but I think 99% of them can be explained away by the presence of Scott AFB.

I really liked this back when it was called Aguirre, The Wrath Of God.

Nuke stride-mothers from orbit.

A petition for a boycott. Truly, slacktivism at its finest.

Um, I don't think anyone around here is worried about spoilers for this movie.

Just think of him as a poor-man's Jonah Hill.

"Born again" has become synonymous with the Evangelical and Charismatic movements within Protestantism.

There are these things called "jokes," that frequently rely on something called "hyperbole."