I wish Jack Lame would kill Dolores, then himself.
I wish Jack Lame would kill Dolores, then himself.
I was thinking that if I wanted to get alcohol poisoning, I could play a drinking game with this comments section and the word “narrative.”
I wish they would kill off Dolores. A terrible actress, who is also given nothing to do. She’s still just as one-dimensional, still just a piece of cardboard, but now she’s playing at being a hardass.
This show just gets worse with every episode. Now we’ve got these soldiers storming the fort without a single one of them wearing a helmet. It’s usual for the actors to not have them, but not a single one of the extras has one either. They’re just getting lazier and lazier. What makes it worse is that not a single…
<i>But just in case anyone missed the point</i>
Just like you could have a 5'2" man do that, but they made Thor 6'6" for a reason. They got an actor of almost that stature for the same reason. Duh.
Personally I like to treat gays, lezbos, and trannies as the pieces of garbage they are.
Ah, the classic “just don’t watch/read/listen” argument beloved by boneheads everywhere.
Maybe you could do that?
“White men” is not the default, just “white people” in general - that tends to happen when you make up the bulk of the population. I’m sure if the majority was any other group white people would be whining and bitching for shit all the time too.
I wouldn’t put too much stock in that critical acclaim - a show like that, with a title like that, no critic - especially no white critic - is going to want to say it sucks.
<i>ostensibly for having the gall to want to include Caucasian folks in the conversation</i>
It’s funny to see a stupid person try to be a real film critic.
Why? Hasn’t this comic sucked bad enough? They’d have to get someone other than Portman - She Thor at 5'2" would kind of lack punch. Of course, for the Thor Porn Parody a She Thor works, but not otherwise.
Because it still sucks.
<i>are some of the best comics Marvel has put out in the last five years</i>
Nothing that happens in any of these movies matters, that’s the problem.
You’re part of the problem, Alex. It’s because of people like you they keep making these shit movies. Give me Ant Man and the Wasp any day over the Infinity War bullshit. At least in Ant Man they know comic books are silly and stupid.
Well, they don’t look at all alike, so...
I suspect Dolores and the rest will all discover, like Maeve, that they don’t have autonomy after all but were just part of a really elaborate “narrative.” It’s similar to that Star Trek TNG episode where LaForge asks the Holodeck to create an opponent capable of defeating Data. For this narrative to play out the way…