Joe Dick

They can detect a lost miner in a gully, but a “Savage”Indian wanders the Earth like Caine in Kung Fu, and everyone’s blind. Storytelling like this makes me feel like they’re making it up as they go, which isn’t what I was hoping for with this show. They’ve been bending the rules for a while, but u felt like this was

This episode strained credibility too much for me to enjoy it. The conveniently never notice he’s out of place for 9 years, in which he walks into hostile towns and never dies. Then, they”update”him for 4 hours, I’m which time not only is he awake and mobile, but wandered into the bowels of building and finds the

Yeah, but I don’t think that pop music really has that sort of staying power. 1950s rock and roll is already fading from popular consciousness - you almost never hear it on the radio anymore even on oldies stations, and I imagine that the 1960s are next to go.

If a show needs ARG to elevate the experience of the hour it broadcasts on television every week, then it’s not a show truly worth considering.

Sure, but the slit wrists wouldn’t leave room for any “accident” interpretation. That’s the contradiction.

Huh, no wonder he’s a douchebag

My favourite episode descriptions are the ones for the first season of Twin Peaks.

Just popping in to applaud the Screen name/comment synergy in this post - bravo!

That whole fort scene was poorly done. They had all those soldiers up against the gates and the security guys were spraying them with gunfire but none of them were getting killed so that we could see they were killed by Dolores’ order? Then everyone was supposed to be killed by an explosion that looked like it came

lol I’ve never heard of any of those shows

That’s steady work like Tonya Harding steady work...

Having spent my teenaged years in the late ‘80s, I have fond memories of Bonet but this article is just a pile of shit. She “felt vibes?” WTF is this bullshit? lol

I’m all for taking him down, but dear god this was utter nonsense. Now its news if someone has a feeling about something (and after the fact at that)??? Jesus have some fucking standards.

Thanks for the intelligent reply, but no, her acting career is not doing fine.

I thought she died, maybe it was her career instead.

You know, Moe was pretty mean to Curly.

This week, on a very special Growing Pains:

South Park, Archer, etc are not funny because they're 'crude,' they're funny because viewers detect high level of thought behind the writing. The humor of these shows is in the details. People like you do not appreciate details.

Thanks! Though if you've only seen a YouTube best-of Archer, you're not only missing out on the story context that makes the show work, and humanizes the character, but also not getting the "best of" the show. I also disagree with your psychoanalysis.