Joe Dick

I’m with you. ...And yet, I’m still watching.

Probably the exact road they’re going down. Westworld Season One is a long, drawn out rehash of the movie, Season Two is probably a long, drawn out rehash of Futureworld.

Yeah, but Maeve just has Jack Lame.

Ed Harris is the only reason to watch this show, really. I skipped over most of the rest, which is just padding. I want him to win, but I know he won’t.

Everything about this show is painfully and pointless drawn out. It’s 90% filler. I don’t know, I wonder if the audience for this is one unfamiliar with science fiction - in the same way that Game of Thrones appeals to those unfamiliar with the fantasy genre, or the way that Western audiences were wowed by Crouching

Oh please, that fatty could put away twenty cupcakes in a sitting no problem.

I bet she ate them all before she got home.

She most likely ate them.

Proving this “fat shamer” right, of course. That’s what comes out of this - she didn’t confront them, she passive aggressively confirmed their opinion. Scarfing a cupcake would have made it even worse. Not that this likely happened anyway.

Definitely not awesome. Definitely not a hero.

You know she did.

If she didn’t confront the woman and instead just did what the woman feared - buying all the cupcakes - she just confirmed her opinion and she’s more likely to do it again. Not that I believe this faux story.

Or just bake some cupcakes. I can’t believe anyone for pay a bakery for that, they’re the easiest thing in the world to make.

Well, it was a sale.

I guess it doesn’t take much to be a hero these days. Maybe confront the person instead of passive aggressively buying a bunch of cupcakes you didn’t want.

I guess I must be colder than you because that scene with Desmond and Penny did nothing for me. Taken out of context, to someone who had given up on the show long before that point, it means nothing.

Most episodes do not drag, that’s what’s great about the freedom was standard run times - you can make it as long or as short as the story requires.

A sequel might be nice, they could deal with the impossibility of actually transferring your consciousness - the idea that a copy of you lives forever, but you don’t get to.

Congrats. Along with 99.9% of everyone else who saw it. The 99.9 instead of 100 is just to account for any Forrest Gumps out there who might have seen it.

The hamfisted way they tore down that “fanboy” culture bothered me - that one dude couldn’t hack the system, but Nanette does it in two seconds.