That should play no part whatsoever in whether you renew your subscription. Probably best to let it lapse, though. I bet you also have a big pile of unread New Yorkers.
That should play no part whatsoever in whether you renew your subscription. Probably best to let it lapse, though. I bet you also have a big pile of unread New Yorkers.
They probably didn’t expect much, being mediocre actors.
It could have just been to do with the stand hetero guy fantasy of two women doing the nasty. He didn’t out her. Stop being such a delicate little snowflake.
She was 18.
Sure is. I also got to the point where I didn’t even want to cook anything at home anymore, I’d just throw some Pizza Pops in the microwave or something. Only after I quit and changed careers did I start to like cooking at home again.
You can also get in legal trouble if you try to save someone and make it worse. There’s a reason people don’t want to get involved.
It’s pretty awful that you expressing your clear hatred of men just gets you lots of high fives and pats on the back.
Makes sense, it’s probably just a matter of time before some paramedic is accused of copping a feel while saving some woman’s life.
Comments sections everywhere are the same, over time they become an echo chamber.
It is. Stop being so delicate.
It’s scary that you have children. Especially sons when clearly you hate and fear men.
That’s a sign you are weaker, because you’re the one changing the shitty diaper.
Try arm wrestling a man. That’s the kind of strength we’re talking about.
Almost any actor is replaceable. They could easily get someone else to play Wonder Woman. She’s not a big enough name to not be replaceable.
This is not remotely badass. I wish people would stop misusing and overusing that word, it’s lost all meaning.
The Louis C.K. stuff is no big deal, it’s not like he raped anyone. His story is gross, but not shocking - these wimps shouldn’t be traumatized by it.
You’re a monster. Just because you’re on a date doesn’t mean she wants you to kiss her. As for playful butt grabbing, you think the fact she’s your wife or girlfriend means you can grab her butt any time you want to, without consent? You disgust me, pig!
We’re being asked to blindly accept - not to just take seriously.
I can’t believe this myth is still be perpetuated. Time had an article this a few years back, it’s one of the feminist myths that need to die.