I guess you’re not too bright, either, if you dismiss any opinion you don’t like as being the opinion of someone...not bright.
I guess you’re not too bright, either, if you dismiss any opinion you don’t like as being the opinion of someone...not bright.
The name was chosen so people like you would have something to say.
It’s funny, you call bullshit on what I said but then argue against a point I never made. I agree that false accusations are far fewer, but it matters to you if you’re falsely accused. My problem is with just automatically believing every accuser, which is the trend - we <i>must</i> believe they’re a victim, out of…
You’re the guy who would approve of the government tapping your phones and stuff because “Hey, I’m not going to break the law, I’ve got nothing to worry about!” I don’t sexually harass people either, but this doesn’t mean you could never be accused. You’re living in a fantasy world where everyone tells the truth all…
Men are in power because they took it, they didn’t ask to be handed it by someone else.
The comments section is for people to echo the author’s opinion and then be patted on the back by all the other commenters.
This is what happens with every website, in the comments too - you get the standard echo chamber.
Don’t you know all men are rapists?!
Grow up. If you only watched movies by people who were saints you’d never watch a movie. Or read a book. Or listen to music. As Saul Star said in Deadwood, “If money had to be clean before it was recirculated we’d all still be living in fucking caves.” Same applies to this shit.
I gave up halfway through the first episode. It seemed feminist in the same way Buffy was - a woman who could kick ass only because of powers. Even Jessica Jones dropped the ball - to have this hard-drinking, hard-fucking, ass-kicking woman would be great...except it’s only because of the powers. Make her a normal…
I believe her. I’m picturing something like Trapjaw from He-Man.
I mean, women don’t dress like that for real. Oh, they do? Okay.
If men did they’d just get chewed out - “How dare you, pig?!”
So, Melissa Benoist releases a statement that says absolutely nothing.
Thanks, I chose it so people like you would have something to say.
You must live in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane.
Yes, it’s a good idea for everyone. It’s sad we’re going to have to live in that world, though, with all those cameras.
No, you’ve missed it. It’s not just a trend of taking them seriously, you must blindly believe them - automatically treat them as a victim. It’s kind of sad you’re able to miss the mark so much on something so basic.
It’s certainly not abuse. It’s gross, but not abuse. What kind of delicate little flower is traumatized by that? What a wimp.