Joe Dick

He was a predator. You married your abuser!

Creepy and weird but not enough that she should be traumatized by it. The world is populated by wimps.

You make a lot of sense, but these people aren’t rational. They want to be outraged. They’re like junkies, always thinking about their next fix - and it takes more and more each time to get that same high.

It shouldn’t be that hard for even you to figure out. People said “he would never,” because most of them don’t know the guy and were hoping. Then when you get the details you think, “That’s it? What a delicate little flower that bitch must be.” There was a time people were made of sterner stuff. The “greatest

How can you be this dense? Currently the trend is to believe any accuser, we need to protect ourselves from the false accusation. A boss I had a few years ago was falsely accused - ahead of the curve, he’d had the sense to put in cameras. He was cleared, the woman had tried to blackmail him into giving her the

Again, it’s not about those who do things worthy of being reported - in that case a body camera would incriminate them. It’s about protecting yourself from the false accusation at a time when the trend is to blindly believe any accuser.

I believe you do have poor character, yes, agreed.

Not doing anything that could be “misconstrued” isn’t enough, innocent people are still accused of things. One reason is revenge, but there are many other motives. You should join me in the real world.

For what?

I already do that. I’ve never flirted with or hit on anyone at work. Point is you’ve got to protect yourself against the false accusation. The trend now is to blindly believe any accuser. Once the accusation is made, your reputation is damaged no matter the outcome.

A lot of people would say even in the context of a day you’re out of line going in for a kiss without express written consent. Get your ass to a Notary, or risk being called a predator.

Really, nothing? Wow.

A female rapper doesn’t make sense, it’s like a female matador. Rapping is a dude’s arena.

She doesn’t want to be equal to a man, though, based on that “I hustle niggas” line. And anyway a woman can’t be a man’s equal in every way.

Not that far-fetched, I’d be afraid to do it just because some skank could say after “Yeah, I’m glad he saved my life, but he grabbed my tits.” And, of course, hey - you’ve got to blindly believe any accuser. It’s not worth it. I would never perform CPR on a woman, or the heimlich, hell even on a man it’s not worth

Are you autistic?

That’s no solution, there are many false accusers.

Are you serious? He knows his 90s schtick wouldn’t fly today and he wants to keep making money. I can’t believe you don’t get this. ...No, I can believe it.

Stern likes money. He sees the way the wind is blowing, and knows that not using words like that will make him more money. He’s going to tap into that endless vein of gold that is outrage culture and mine those morons for everything they’ve got.

I doubt anyone has ever tried to fuck you.