Joe Dick

The fact that Takei has been accused of something does not mean he did this.

You’re dreaming if think that’s happening, toots. Men won’t stand for it in the end.

No, this is just the steady escalation of outrage culture - like any addict, those people need to keep upping the dose to get the same rush.

You should stay away simply because it’s going to suck, like most of these superhero movies, as Batman V Superman sucked. But, you’re in trouble if what you decide to watch, listen, read, etc. is based on whether any of the people involved have ever done anything morally wrong... Most of history’s art, literature,

Personally I’d rather live in a world where people would think first about publicly shaming someone. No one cares about proof. You’ve got to automatically believe any accuser, automatically say they’re a victim...and of course you’ve got to say how brave they are. You definitely don’t want to do that.

Well, this is what happens - because it’s the trend now to blindly believe any accuser, men understandably don’t want to take the chance. I’d wear a body camera too, and have a camera in my office in addition to never being alone with a woman in any situation, anywhere. It’s just not worth the risk. This may end up

Of course it’s the norm, it’s a mob mentality. Take a bunch of not-too-bright people who desperately want to get in on the ground floor on some moral outrage and you’ve got a lot of people willing to lie. They would justify it by saying that they believe the other people, and are just adding their voice to increase

I wait for a little more than just an accusation, in every case, no matter how many accusers - call me crazy, but I like proof.


You’re a fool, nothing will change - nor should it.

Uh, no, not all of them - some just for making a few comments. It just makes these chicks look weak if they can’t take the odd sexual joke or a guy whipping his cock out.

Maybe because they’re not idiots and know he’s done nothing wrong.

Are you insane? She’s a terrible actress. They should use this as an opportunity to recast. Maybe get someone actually Greek.

<i>recently Ellen Page claimed that he outed her and humiliated her for her sexuality on set</i>

Littlefinger already had some idea of Bran’s abilities, and we know he’s good at thinking on his feet. Someone of his experience wouldn’t have been thrown so easily. Face it, the plot said “Littlefinger dies,” so he dies.

Or they saw it coming and hoped for something genuinely clever and subtle. Something worthy of all the buildup.

It’s been terrible since the first episode, but this final season is much worse - their only excuse is how quickly they need to get this stuff resolved. Things that were built up haven’t had the resolution that buildup demanded - like Littlefinger’s death, or how the Night King conquered the Wall.

I thought Rick’s whole M.O. was that his big brain was all he needed to deal with any situation.

Mad Max and science fiction have at best a nodding acquaintance, but Fury Road was a hell of a lot better than those gay 80s ones - Humungus? I have a feeling you’re one of those idiots that hates anything popular, so hopefully for you Rick and Morty doesn’t get too big.

Their inevitable conclusions? No, not even close, this is bad nearly to the level of <i>Lost</i>.