Joe Dick

Besides, the writing on Game of Thrones has <i>always</i> sucked, it’s just a lot worse now because of how quickly they need to wrap things up.

<i>It’s been pretty undeniable that Rick And Morty’s writing has gotten somehow even better in its third season,</i>

That whole scene, the writing, the performances, all just pandering. They wanted a “badass” moment to kill Littlefinger - but he does because they need to get characters out of the way, not because it makes sense.

Sustained with extreme prejudice.

I can’t believe you gave this an A. B, tops. I don’t like this Tick. I just didn’t care about anything that was going on.

At this point he just likes rowing. It’s his thing.

The Night King’s powers are pretty vague, but it seems strange that, if all he needed was a dragon, he couldn’t get his hands on one in 8,000 years. I wonder if he could have foreseen all those thousands of years ago the exact events that would lead to a dragon being in his presence that he could kill. And he almost

He would have. Also, Sansa passed sentence - she should have had to kill him too. Arya is the obvious choice, have Sansa do the deed.

I doubt that everyone would have just accepted Bran has this ability, but the writers said “Littlefinger dies” and so he dies. Maybe they should have included a little scene where Arya slips him a drug that cuts his IQ by 3/4.

Littlefinger: “Dangit, hoist by my own petard!”

For all anyone knew Bran was just blowing smoke - he can barely describe what the Three-Eyed Raven is, but everyone just accepts that he knows this shit?

Really, because law and order do exist in their society - even in time of war. Tyrion got a trial. Littlefinger should have had one. I suspect even in the late Middle Ages you couldn’t have quite such a speedy “trial” and execution.

It wasn’t worthy of Littlefinger. He could at least have used that old standby - trial by combat. Maybe someone would have fought for him, but even if not he would at least have bought himself some time.

They will never die.

It’s a shame, although I wanted Littlefinger to die - and he deserved to die - I was hoping for an end much cooler than the one he got. A death he earned instead of this kind of cheap, quickly-tying-up-loose-ends death that almost comes out of nowhere. Almost. You could see it coming, or at least hope Arya and Sansa