
Nothing new, they already kill millions of people worldwide annually.

Okay, so driving is okay but travelling two miles above a speed limit, as a parent, is not?

Did the texts indicate that Brady wanted soft balls or specifically illegally soft balls? It is common practice for the QB to make PSI requests within the legal limit

Did anyone forget the narrative of big hands QBs publically stating during last years playoffs they request overinflated balls for a perceived advantage? I mean, this was just oh cool interesting football news between plays. Maybe Tom just requested balls to be on the low end of legal. Seems like standard QB behavior.

Right now I have about $5000 in savings and an extra $5000 in checking. That’s about three months. I haven’t followed recommendations of actually having a dedicated emergency fund. I save for things like vacations, Roth IRA 2016 and new cars. All of those things can be tapped in the event of an emergency. But the

What is your sofa?

RTK, depends on where you are located.

As far as WASS type corrections, it depends on how heavily the automobile is relying on it and for what purpose. Your accuracy numbers are pretty close for traditional FAA WASS but the private sector has improved significantly on that technology.

Right, because obviously if brand new technology doesn’t work flawlessly prior to its commercialization it must be a failure.

Alex, I’ll take sample size for 1000 please.

Are you not familiar with high accuracy GPS such as RTK and WAAS?

You can’t guarantee that the 7-11 wont get robbed. The child could be shot in the head during the armed robbery. Ergo leave the kid in the car?

There is no reason to expose a child to any unnecessary risk ever. For example, riding in a car is extremely dangerous. 1.2 million people are murdered by cars annually. I get that driving the kid to the emergency room is a necessary risk. However, driving a kid halfway across the country to vacation is child abuse.

Seems pretty clear, if it is a level 3, the vehicle manufacturer/developer is liable. If they’ve given you sufficient time for a handover and you’re drunk you are liable. This level three stuff is clearly going to be a shared liability w/ a lot of ligation in the grey areas. Level 4 obviously removes liability from

Ten years? B.S. If insurance companies were that reluctant, the developer (google?) would just start/buy an insurance company. With intimate knowledge of their reliability and flaws they could assume the risk. Heck, they could provide insurance for free and include it in the upfront cost.

Steak. You can sear the steak with the coffee maker and then cook it sous vide in a thermos. It wouldnt be a quick meal but it would be a nice protest.

Use it to power your cable box or route OTA through a set top box (Tivo, DVD, Receiver).

I wonder if this will encourage two drivers on long hauls, with the competent driver/mechanic being paid significantly more than the 21 year old that got his CDL yesterday. ($9 an hour?)

The interesting issue will be how quickly insurance for human drivers becomes entirely cost prohibitive. We suck at driving. 1.2 million deaths per year. Good luck at beating that decepticon.…

Why would the negligence claims be different than a real person? If this truck less likely to take out your family than a human driver, insurance will be cheaper.

Maybe, in my case, the dumb bus driver had not opened the door yet?