
Car tech is crap. The least they could do was improve connections to phones. My favorite fail? BT audio requires the volume to be double or triple the setting of FM radio. BT connection drops out? Prepare for the car tech to conveniently switch you to FM radio and blast your ear drums.

A lot of the country traditionally has excess water. Without ground cover erosion is a serious problem. In more densely populated areas a lack of ground cover contributes to sewage/stormwater runoff. NKP is often overused, particularly in sandy soils. However, for every person that goes nuts w/ N, K, or P, someone

Tivo is geared pretty heavily toward antenna users. Also, netflix doesn’t have commercials.

Tivo, PVR, etc.

I disagree. Since typical families use less than 15 gigs, this is just a price hike. This is like giving someone the option of one apple or 20 pounds.

When you pay for stand alone HBO, rather than gaining access through your cable provider.

It says HBO Now

Meanwhile, back here on earth oil prices decline further. Millions unknowingly celebrate the use of inorganic fertilizer because they haven’t starved to death.

Those systems are not being upgraded. People are just talking about it. Please provide evidence of “vast quantities” attributable to agriculture and provide the context of vast relative to the other factors I’ve mentioned. The author completely ignored those factors, which is what always happens. People zero in on ag

If anything modern septic is better than antiquated north east sewage infrastructure. At least in the south newer communities may separate stormwater from sewage. In my area total nitrogen use by agriculture has been cut by half or more in the last 25 years. Lake Erie beach closings due to septic and sewage runoff are

Without data, if I’m guessing their contribution is significantly higher than than agriculture. Between the sewage runoff, broken septic systems and over zealous lawncare services, the non ag community is in denial.

Agricultural runoff, not residential or municipal runoff. Prove it.

25 room mansion down the street for me just sold for $88,000. Rich buyer? I mean they were asking 150 originally.

15 rooms here. My dad built it himself for about $50,000 1980 dollars. It was his entire life savings. He spent ten years living at home working full time. I was most certainly not rich. Though maybe the line is between 15 and 18. There was no way I was middle class until about age 12.

What’s wrong with that?

Right and when I lease a car for $2000 down, that car only costs $2,000. Right? Hello E class.

Mostly agree with you but because of other restrictions many 18 year olds have barely touched a gas pedal. You need to drive a car for a few years before you drive a big rig. That being said, I have no problem giving a driver’s licence to a 10 year old.

Yeah I’m sure DDT didn’t create colony collapse but the relatively non-toxic specific pesticides used today are wiping out bees.

Grapes do not bees.

See here is where I disagree w/ the USDA analysis. I make good money w/ an 8 ft corn planter. You can be small or you can be huge. You just cant be in the middle. I’ve spent $20,000 on equipment in the last five years. I can plant 100 acres in a week. The land requires no capital investment (I rent heavy clay soil for