Joe Coe

I think he’s a small time judge who has lived with the benefit of exercising absolute control over everything, without a soul to challenge him. The fact that he has a national audience seems to give him some pause, which means he’s likely far worse about this when the world isn’t watching, but he’s obviously not able

Defense: “They aren’t victims! You can’t call them that! Burden of proof for the claim lies with the prosecution!”

wait, so... they couldn’t pinch to zoom on an ipad, so they showed it on a big monitor instead, which... effectively does the same thing...? am i missing something?

I don’t think anyone was thinking that, it was pretty clear that he wants Rittenhouse to walk when they restricted what the victims could be called. My guess is that the locals have similar views or he’s getting ready to retire and gives zero fucks.

This case is a clusterfuck and this judge should be tossed off the bench. 

Now playing

The magic only works if you say “Enhance” often enough.

Citing the possible flaws in the logarithm sounds a lot like a certain orange Impeachident’s approach to science and medicine.

Don’t be deceived into thinking this judge is some mindless, gape-mouthed fool. The shrewdest are the ones who act exactly like this.

Active shooters can now all claim self defense.

Christ almighty this case is taking a sledgehammer to criminal justice caselaw. We’re really doing this? We’re going to let white children kill whoever they want, get acquitted, and live out their lives as celebrities and later, elected leaders?

This judge sounds like he’s totally in the bag to exonerate Rittenhouse, given all his previous judgments and now this.

I hate this ending to the point where I don’t want to play the game anymore. It isn’t even that I need a ‘good’ ending where everyone lives merrily ever after, but I do need an ending that is a logical result of the gameplay itself.

Far cry 6: Fallout

No. Humans killing the fuck out of humans while humans cheer was the low point in so called “civilized society,” we have rules and regulations now to prevent the killing part. That’s what you call a societal progression towards civility.

Nah bro even Ali lost once in a while; this’ll just get people more interested in what happens next.

You mean to tell me someone on a win streak can LOSE?? Someone be sure to inform 2k that they’re only allowed to chose cover features who will never, ever lose.


Is it funny because it has the featherweight champ and the greatest womens fighter of all time on it?

I like the concept and wish I had skipped Far Cry 4 for this instead. It’s not that I don’t like Far Cry 4 (I like it a lot), but I think I’m pretty bored of Far Cry for a while.