Joe Coe

Silly clickbait article. Politics aside, It’s a fun single-player game that once finished, just doesn’t have a huge draw to replay.

What is this, a flat earth convention? How many convictions would be overturned if simple enlarged photos were inadmissible? I would say computer programs do a better job enlarging photos than the old darkroom magnifier did.

Ccomparisons to McDonald’s aside, I felt like FC5 really swung for the fences, more topical than tropical, if you will. Holding up a mirror to a segment of America that is very real, highly armed fundamentalists. And guess what? was their best-selling game ever. This game feels like they took two giant steps

Such a great game, and it now has a chronological version that you can enable at the start screen. I only wish Quantic’s games weren’t console exclusive, so many folks missing out on these masterpieces. Can’t wait for Detroit become human, hopefully it’ll encourage gamers to go back and play Cage’s other works.

While 4 is very good, it’s basically FC 3.5 This one seems different enough to that you’re probably better off getting this one now, and getting 4 when it’s in the bargain bin, and you’ve got a FC itch.

We should set a play date. Rayman, Forza, and Peggle need to get out more.

It was clickbait for people who know nothing about the sport, and spoilers for us who wait until the next day to watch it. Kotaku is on my shitelist now.

Kotaku isn’t in the sports news business, now that they are, they’re dropped from my Facebook. Waiting one day wouldn’t have hurt their ad sales, but losing hundreds of us from seeing any of their other content ever again will.

They should for solely ppv events. I don’t have any UFC or sports news linked to my Facebook so it doesn’t get spoiled, I’ll have to drop Kotaku now too. This was clickbait anyway, an MMA fighter isn’t defined by one loss. Rousey and McGregor are still at the top of their sport, a loss just proves they are human, and