
Could have been worse. He could have been a mime.

I will file this article under “No shit, Sherlock!” We all knew that the FBI “investigation” was a sham. 

Pinocchio is one character that can go from cute to creepy AF in seconds.

Imagine a crossover with Captain Kirk and Sheriff Taylor. It would also have to have Spock and Barney.

The skills necessary to be a cop in many places is a low bar.

Couldn’t find an audience? Only given a few episodes? Yeah, right!

The longer the apology, the deeper the hole one digs for themselves.

Watching these two wonderful actors (Spacek and Simmons) show us the process of aging and waiting for the end with love and dignity (and with the ever present bumps in the road), I had almost forgotten about the science fiction aspects of the show. 

What concerns me most is that if he can redistrict the map to make sure that Republicans run the state, as a potential presidential candidate, he can also ensure all of Florida’s electoral votes for himself. Seems like the actions of a dictator.

However and whenever Legends ends, it had better be with with Sara and Ava walking hand in hand with those two girls.

Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to pull a Darren?

Mia Queen’s quest is left unresolved, perhaps to be continued in some other corner of the Arrowverse, wherever Diggle is being the Green Lantern.”

And wasn’t that a different timeline now? I thought the ATOM suit was great, but now than Barry fixed the timeline will we see it again?

My guess is that Mary Wiseman is pregnant. She is a bit heavier this season and in her last scene in her quarters she is covering up her stomach with a pillow. She’ll probably be back once she has the baby.

As someone whose DC Universe was back in the sixties, it was great to see Ryan Choi’s Atom suit. It really brought me back. And for the craziness of this episode, I was also reminded of the old “imaginary” stories from that time where crazy things happened like Superman and Lois are married and have kids. Certainly

That would be BOTH Grinches!

It’s to mess up the people who write the closed captions.

Didn’t Gotham have a bunch of Joker wannabes?

We know all about TV tropes, but Cecile showing up at the house right after Barry and the news showing up on the TV as soon as they turned it on was a bit over the top. 

They were kind of vague concerning Joe West. Perhaps they were still in contract negotiations with Jesse L. Martin at the time. It seems that like the Kristen Kramer character was (or will be) a fill in for Joe West.