
Help stop Vertical Video Syndrome!

I believe that this series will be in Sheldon (or Kelvin) timeline. That way Sheldon can age in the future without having to retcon the original series.

I will never get over how the movies made Mr. Phelps a villain. Sorry, Tom.

It won’t be too soon that CGI will be so realistic that you will not need actual actors either.

I love the Last of Us because there are so few “zombies”. You could cut out all the zombies and still have an awesome series. Humans can create their own apocalypse without any monsters. People are the monsters.

I saw a few too many square pegs hammered into round holes.

Does anyone in DC have the slightest clue of what they’re doing? I will say that they are doing a great job of dumping actors, movies and any semblance of a coherent movie universe.

Politicians and lawyers making medical decisions. What could possibly go wrong with that?

Will men be able to have a vasectomy, or use condoms? If women can’t use birth control...?

I have no problem with the Harfoots, but they seem to only be part of Rings of Power so they can introduce Gandalf. I don’t see any Harfoot battles, or anything else like that coming along. They also seem a bit dim on the rest of ME. That was the case even with the Hobbits. They also seemed to ignore most of ME, and

I am old enough to have seen the Exorcist when it was first was released. My parents were curious why I was sleeping with my light on for a few weeks.

Stay away from Yahoo as well, but that should be a given in all things.

It does seem like Halbrand is Sauron, but what was he doing on that raft? It also could not be mere coincidence that Galadriel ended up in that raft as well and only the two of them survived

Just a minor issue. How did they fit all those men and horses on those three little Numenorian ships? Aside from that the show is improving with each episode.

I don’t expect to see anything about the creation of the rings for a few more seasons. I am sure that they will drag it out a bit. 

How long would it take to get 9000 people into the lifeboats?

I am reading a lot of discussions where there are complaints about the source material. Now everyone seems to love the LOTR movies, but where was Tom Bombadil. or the Scouring of the Shire? You also can’t argue about source material for Rings of Power from only two episodes. Give it a rest and give it time.

...Vitellaro labeled the boy as an “offender” who wasn’t complying with directions.”

So Batgirl was too bad to ever see the light of day. Sorry, but my cynical side tells me that they should prove it.

People are basing a lot of opinions on a movie that they haven’t seen and probably never will see. Considering in todays news that Ezra Miller has been arrested (again) for breaking into some ones home and stealing alcohol, people may rethink the Flash movie. But, probably not. It’s all about the money.