
Don’t forget the dad jeans.

I don’t expect too many surprises like that, but I am wondering how Alex Danvers can be there without some mention of Supergirl. Then again, there was no mention of Barry Allen when Kara, Jimmy and Winn were talking about first hearing about the the multiverse.

So the series ended with Supergirl becoming Supergirl. I’m actually okay with that.

My wife and I still binge watch the reruns. The show is serious and funny and real all in the right places. I can pick at least 6 Chuck Lorre series that could have been dumped instead of Mom.

This was also the first mention of a Wayne Enterprises’ board of directors. Did they ever visit Wayne Tower? Didn’t they already have a CEO?

Are all the residents of Blue Valley sound sleepers. The residents never seem to be around when the fighting starts

They have had all season to give us a reason for Supergirl to leave. I can’t see in two more episodes how she can “go away” without it coming out of nowhere. We can only guess why she will do it and where she will go. They should have spent a few more episodes setting up her departure as part of the current story arc.

Most criminals are caught because of their stupidity.

But that woman who pointed out Nate’s teeth had a nice set of choppers herself. I would love to have TV and movies set in the past actually show how bad peoples teeth were years ago.

“...Stargirl has soared while other Arrowverse shows have stuttered.”

I watched the season 3 episode The Faithful a few weeks back. I was disappointed that they never did follow through with Alex’s wanting to have a child. It was nice to see it finally happening for her.


I have more than a few replies still stuck in the Phantom Zone.

Mostly Diggle’s appearances have been a Green Lantern tease, but it has been nice to also have him show the shared universe post-Crisis.

I have no reason to watch the Emmy’s. How many streaming services do I need to subscribe to in order to see these these winning shows? How much time can I devote to watching the large number of series and films on them? There are many shows that I would love to see from what I have read and seen about them, but who

It is absolutely amazing how they took a classic, iconic show and totally fucked it up. 

She probably does not know the real power if the black diamond and what it can do.

Is it the right time to start calling Stargirl and ArrowVerse show

I would say the same thing for pre-cloned Sara.

So Sara is definitely a clone. No real problem with that, but one would think that the writers would have had a reason for it. You would have thought that at least a part of an episode would have everyone coming to grips with losing the old Sara and accepting the new. The Legends seemed to take 5 seconds to move on.