
Um, that’s pretty much all of Star Wars.

Also, fuck Ohio State.

I didn't even think about it. I actually think it's weird when a film or show has actors doing an accent of the language spoken during the real events. So I found it to be a breath of fresh air.

“Or perhaps a series about Katrina, and how that disaster was ultimately not a natural one, but a manmade one, in terms of the failures of levees, and of evacuation protocols, and of recovery efforts, at every level of government.”

If Shaq wants to wipe that smile off Barkley’s face and replace it with a look of fear then just call in sick and have Charles Oakley fill in for an evening. 

One night, this exchange happened and I laughed out loud at 1am:

i don’t care what anyone says.

 My dad is a tv repair man, he’s got this ultimate set of tools, i can fix it

How much did it sell for? There’s at least a couple hundred bucks worth of scrap metal there.

I’m suprised this case has gotten far enough for a courtroom trial. I'm even more suprised that the case is going against Conan himself and not the guy who wrote the allegedly stolen joke. I'm pretty sure the judge in this case is gonna throw it out after everyone testifies. It's pretty clear that guy is seeking

You know, the three jokes you gave as examples are kind of generic, “late-night monologue” jokes that anyone could have come up with, so it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary if Coco (and his writers) and the gentleman in question wrote similar jokes. Just sayin’.

Actually, the family has specifically asked that photos not be used to respect their privacy, asshole. See the Go Fund Me linked in the article for more.

$10 per day, per person?!?

See, I don’t understand any of this at all. I book a hotel room so I have somewhere to sleep when I’m not doing what I’m in town to do. The job of housekeeping is to refresh the room after I’ve used it. I’m not gonna trash the room, but why should I do their job for them? If I want privacy, I need to feel bad about

just fuck already

haha this obsession with barstool is so pathetic

Honest question- how do you delete 60,000 tweets in a day? I mean, even with good social media management tools, you have to have an idea of which posts are shady, highlight/ select said posts, delete them....I mean, that’s multiple, crappy, mind numbing days of work, right? 

They also removed their Google+ post.

Between Barstool getting slapped and Nick Foles becoming a Jaguar it’s been an interesting week for three-legged sports figures.

This sounds like something imports say when pretending to be New Yorkers.