
I really wished you did more research on this article you are writing about. Alot of the quotes you are displaying were rebutled by the said player telling what really happens. You make Rascal seem like hes just an ignorant Korean player. This is not the case as Rascal came out and said KyKy was actually making up

Addressing harassment with harassment.... sigh...

You should also report on how this young girl planned ahead of time she was going to manipulate him and then tell everyone. Not defending him since he knew her age and what he was doing but their is alot of other evidence that shows the screenshots she posted were heavily edited along with a conversation she was

Myth posted a video recently on his youtube channel of how exciting PUBG is....sums up any experiance i’ve had on pubg and why i would prefer fortnite if i played BR games mainly.

The Xenoverse games allowed you to “power up” and change into your respected form. Problem with this is that everyone always just started the fight charging up to full power then flying towards each other. While the first few times was insanely cool it became rather anti climatic in the thick of things and got very

game hasn’t been released yet and people already complaining about content... lame

Anthem is still in pre alpha production lol. We wont see that game for several years. Destiny has nothing to worry about with Anthem for quite some time

you act as if nintendo doesn’t just re-release the same games every year on console and handheld.... nintendo fan boy alert everyone

Glad to see 3rd party games coming to the switch.... wait......

I’m still dumb founded buy this buisness plan of Microsoft’s. If they dont release at a console price.... what stops people from just going the mid level PC route for the same price? Or what makes PC users want to buy a crazy expensive console for what they can already achieve and the exclusives are already avl on pc?

Is it a switch only patch? Curious if they showed any love for the Wii U users

This is actually a huge thing going on in the destiny community. Trials of osiris players are spamming others to distract during matches to get a flawless card for more loot. I’ve had plenty of friends it has happened to. As i tell anyone who plays any pvp.... only accept messages from friends for this reason

For all the people complaining about missing plot holes and such.... you know the studio does not have to do these updates. The game itself is worth every penny and every hour played and then some. The fact that we are in an age where a company can go back and actually add in what felt like missing pieces should be

uh have you seen taimou’s Roadhog? literally just got MVP in the Apex korean lan league championship playing mainly RH since its become a 3 tank meta. RH is amazing in tourny play

should really read the WHOLE article......

This is why big streamers and youtubers rebrand their channels with original art and badges once they have broken a certain threshold. Everyone is aware of this potential risk. Not sure why people are backing her.... obviously its people that dont know much about streaming in general or youtube i would say.

i was thinking the same. Most reviews have been pretty good for the PSVR. I just get this feeling like they are judging this VR system differently then its intended. Its a console VR experiance not a PC VR setup that has whole room tracking. I’ve tried the PSVR a few times myself and i’ve never noticed any shaking of

They can’t just scrap it since half of the season pass have not even been released yet. The only people still playing are the ones who stupidly bought it before the game came out (points at self). Sadly i love grindy games.... but this one is just frustration after frustration. This is the game that will forever ruin

I’m not understanding this site anymore. Yes i am against cheating.... so you post an article about cheating and such. Yet another blogger on this site post promoting using a xim4 to run mouse and keyboard on consoles..... which according to devs of the game she actually played they account as cheating...... SMH

@jason Schreier had Sean been told about this yet? just curioous if anyone tweeted him for any info