
As a former employee of Chrysler I can tell you that “MPG” on these type of vehicles should never be posted. I agree with them not telling people what they are. We had issues back in early 2000's with the diesel powered model of Rams we had. People were not getting the same MPG the sticker said and were causing so

People are farming hard missions because the xp reward for the time the mission takes is much more efficient then running at higher difficulties. If you are trying to grind Underground rank there is absolutely no reason to play on anything but hard. It’s what i’ve seen the community doing as a whole.

These people who expected a new “halo” were conned..... i hope they never play any other loot shooter so they wont be “conned” again

I think atleast 50% of those dislikes are the fact you can only get the remastered MW with the purchase of the new game. I mean this new game looks bleh tbh....but hey look on the other hand..... this game already has better space battles then Battlefront Feelsbadman

I enjoy the fact people act like they want a 1993 version of a FPS. If one was actually released everyone would be saying.... This is just like the original fuk this... LOL’s at people on the internet

double revive still works “SMH”

The fact that people say Division has bosses is still funny to me. All the named enemies do exactly the same thing as a normal npc. There are no bosses other then the sad end game helicopter boss and the “apc” boss.

its not pvp....its 4 players sneaking up on other players and shooting them in the back. Darkzone “pvp” is a cowards game. I remember playing the beta and running into multiple groups of randoms challenging us to 4v4 with no revives. We would find an area and clear npcs then count down and go at it. We would also

Funny how these bloggers just spew overly exaggerated opinions online and want to be called journalist. This article clearly shows his lack of understanding in salary cap and contract structure statistics.

very impressive....but shows how broken shade step is. no damage taken from grenades and bullet fire when shade stepping.....its like year 1 blink all over again lol. But big congrats to this guy....takes alot of skill still to pull this off