
Legit question here: Are all Japan baseball stadiums domes? Every highlight I see from one is always a dome. I’ve never been to Japan so I know nothing of the weather. Is it better to have domes there than open air stadiums?


You Are! Penn State!


wow, amazing

Classic Larry

FYI, don’t google “slime teens” at work.

(1.) I really can’t get past the whole wanting to bang his sister sideplot.

He’s still trying to get over that Alabama loss.

He also knocked Hopkins out of the ring.

I read an article somewhere, sometime that said this was the best restaurant in New York.

“Frank Vogel, pinstripes, close enough”

Technically 1 playoff win in the SB era. Believe it or not, the Lions had some playoff wins and even some championships in the 50s. As a Lions fan I would still take the Browns because the Lions aren’t making the playoffs.

I’m not really an anime fan, but I got home drunk from the bar one night and Parasyte on Toonami was on. I dug it.

I believe Anthony Weiner is a subscriber to LaSexta.

“Walk it off crybaby”

You know,

Air bud?