
He kissed a hooker?

This a very menacing face:

ummmmmmmmmm helloooooooo?

It’s hard to find that CB, all tucked away down there.

So comets are dinosaurs huh? Good to know.

Counterpoint from a CMU grad:

Now playing

Hey, at least they prepare their athletes for careers in other fields, like demolition:

Every Lions draft pick in rounds 2-7 of the last 15 years, and a lot of their 1st round picks too.

USMNT - Every time I see this , I think United States Mutant Ninja Turtles

This is seriously awesome to hear. He looked in bad shape at the HOF ceremony, so this is a nice update.

All four people in attendance agree with you.

It’s pretty telling when you pine for the mediocre days of Wayne Fontes.

Mario Impemba, Prophet

I’m still trying to figure out what the context for “high performance helicopters” was in that one press conference.

John Bobbitt getting his penis chopped off.

As a Pistons fan I reason that Joe D knew the kind of player he had with Prince and didn’t want him to get buried on the bench with Carmelo or D-Wade taking his minutes. So he purposely took Darko to let Tayshaun flourish and block Reggie Miller in the conference finals. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

In related news, did you see Cabrera hit the piss out of this ball?

Perfect hair forever.