
So the black and white film playing on the TV was Detective Kitty O'Day. It's probably not relevant, rather than an obscure reference to an upcoming plot development, but you never know…

Tis but a scratch!

I didn't laugh once during the whole episode. Pretty crap 2-parter overall, really.

Nothing there either :(

No review of the last episode at least?

Sara didn't die!

I'm going to miss this show. Also, Malin Akerman in those leather shorts. Damn!

Poor Kate :( That neck snap was just brutal.

Yeah, I don't get it either. Also not being American probably explains it. I had no idea who he was the first time he showed up until I read it on here. I'd heard of him but the only other thing I'd seen him in was that episode of The Simpsons where Krusty fakes his death and he speaks at the funeral.

Yeah, that was weird. It wasn't even like they just killed the boys and left the girls alive, there were a couple of dead girls there as well. Made no sense at all.

Huh. Saw the A and presumed it was an ironic one. This was a pretty terrible episode.

Felicity: "He looks to be moving east."
Sara: "What's east?"
Oliver: "It's the opposite of west, but that's not important right now."

Danielle should be but Kay has retired from acting and is studying to become a zoologist. She basically hasn't been in anything since 2011 so it's not really surprising she's changing careers.

I had this spoiled. Reading a thread on Natalie Dormer's IMDB page (a non-GoT one at that), someone casually throws out something like "love her in GoT, can't wait to see Joffrey die in S4" and then acted all surprised that people were pissed at her.

I considered an A-, went with a B+ because the final scene could (and should) have been longer.

Pretty good episode + Penny in a bra.

That's different. Philp and Elizabeth don't wear them in front of their kids, who don't then somehow fail to recognise them.

"Vegas is an error-proof backdrop for comedy"

The masks are getting silly now. Like Laurel wouldn't have recognised her fucking sister, just because she's got a one inch wide strip of leather over her eyes.