
Presumably he'd fired and not reloaded. But what about the exaggerated recoil when Meisner was shooting the engine out on the other car?

It was good, but not that good. The drone strike, which would supposedly have blown up the entire house, barely caused a dent in the road? Hmmmm. And Deadshot was convinced not to stay and die much too easily.

And Siobhan.

No need to worry: they were adjusted up to the same as last week.

What are you on about? She's got great personalititties.

New Girl over Veep? Ughh. Other than that, I agreed with all of Todd's picks.

I presume they meant "Sandra", as in, Stan's wife.

Paige's new friend from the bus (Kelli according to IMDB, rather than Kelly) is obviously KGB right? I love how they've thought of everything; even the fake relatives are "real". I expected Paige to be hurried out by an agent posing as Aunt Helen who had rushed to get there ahead of her, then a pan over to the house's

I didn't love the Tessa storyline. Other than that, great episode.

There's not much more to tell, really. She played a hooker, she was blonde and frequently nude. So too was Jessica Marais, who played Danny Huston's wife.

Russ Bradley Morrison! More of Russ Bradley Morrison please.

I knew I recognised Elena Satine from somewhere - she was Judi Silver on Magic City. She looks really different when she's not blonde. And topless.

Yeah, I'd assumed that from the start. I'm sure during the Xmas episode Kate made some reference to being born in Sweden when she was making Glögg.

Well it happened as the credits were rolling so it's hardly much of a spoiler. They could have kept us guessing if they'd wanted.

"Even odds that Sarah's not dead"

Are you going to carry on calling him "Drew" now? Looks like we're all still going to call him "Wu".

I liked that Skye was barely in the episode and had no lines at all.

More like tolerably smug, I think.

Nope. He's insuferably smug.