
No way was Claudia behind Leah and Emmet's deaths. As we saw and heard in season one, all she cares about is her officers.

I was hoping The Millers would bomb so that Margo Martindale could commit to The Americans. No such luck :(

Certainly is. In recent years, QPR, Birmingham, Hull and Reading have all been relegated in their second season in the Premiership.

They were referring to the previous male companions. Martha wasn't a man.

"I'm Mr. Pink? Why can't we pick our own colours?"

You've been awfully generous with those scores. I'd have said Fear Her: D- and Love and Monsters: C-.

Beth survived! And she has lines next week! Yay!

Obviously Alexandra Daddario overshadowed everything else in this episode, but… Rebecca! (aka Lili Simmons to the non-Banshee watchers).

I saw plenty of Pertwee and Tom Baker when I was younger but never anything after that, probably because my Dad hated all of those doctors. His favourite was always Patrick Troughton but his few remaining episodes were hardly ever shown on TV.

Yeah, several serials have felt like they could have had at least 1 episode trimmed from them.

Well I'm halfway through Hartnell and I'm still loving it (The Web Planet aside). I've never seen any of his and only 2 of Troughton's episodes so I'll probably just breeze through them. I imagine once I hit Pertwee and re-watch some that I saw 20 years ago I'll start slowing down, maybe take breaks every now and

I've recently started watching classic Who from the first Doctor's very first episode. Watching 2 episodes a day, I look forward to reading and commenting on this post when I've seen this segment in about ten months time.

Well, he was a cop and she was a teacher. It was nice for once to see a TV family that doesn't live in a house they couldn't possibly afford.

"She was only sixteen years old!"

More of Yvette the vet, please! Tania Raymonde is awesome.

People who are annoyed it's gone are just pissed they weren't the ones to grab it.

Yeah but I don't think they're trying to use that to make her look smart so people will like her, more like make people feel sorry for her. Hence the being fired and a drunk bit.

The best bit: Sara on the salmon ladder.

Laurel's a drunk who just got fired from her job, how on earth are the Arrow writers trying to "make her look smart and awesome"?

Meh, I didn't think it was that great.