
They must have some kinky fucking sex.

"We're not a cult guys! We're not recruiting or proselytising or anything!"

I know! How did no-one else notice that!

"it's a little hard to see [the good points] when all the Mexican characters are being played by white actors in wigs, which was not considered problematic in 1964."

"I served with men who died!"
"Of old age! You never left the States!"

I'm giving up on this show. I tried to like it and I love Terry Crews and Andre Braugher but I just can't put up with Andy Samberg's annoying, smug performance anymore.

Love the episode! Diane's charcuterie, just brilliant.

Watching Hartnell's episodes now for the first time (I've just finished Marco Polo), it's amazing how they emphasised his frailty right from the start. In all of the first 4 serials, he collapses and has to be helped up, he needs to rest regularly and he's always affected more than the others by whatever ailment they

Other stray observations:

True. Hence why I just think they're making it up as they go along.

I always assumed the Grimm royal families were separate from the actual European royal families and that their plot is about ruling the Wesen world, and not the human one. Although they might just be making it up as they go along. As for their titles, they technically don't even have them. Eric's family is based in

I just presume that we don't get shown the times when Nick takes on a non-Wesen case. Although it would be interesting to have an episode where they suspect a Wesen and it just turns out to be a human.

B-?!? I thought it was great! Really funny, plus Kaley Cuoco in her bra. Easy A from me.

I think if it was him, he'd do more than stick a drunk guy in a security jacket and give him a gun.

I love how the would-be assassin just wanders off after Teddy disarms him. Anyone want to stop him? No? Ok, that's fine too.

I almost died from laughing when the branches were stripped off the tree and Jay said "it's alright, we'll just comb some of them over!"

Yeah, but it's like how on SHIELD Fitz and Simmons are also "different kinds of scientist" when they're basically the same character in different bodies. If Barry had a different schtick I wouldn't mind so much but he's just a male Felicity, which the show definitely doesn't need.

I'll definitely watch the Flash spinoff but unless the character has a personality transplant, I don't see myself enjoying it very much.

Barry Allen… meh. I didn't dislike him that much, but the show already has one awkward, quirky scientist. It doesn't need another, even if it's only for a couple of episodes.

Yay, Arnie Vinick!