
Been saying that Siobhan was going to die for weeks now. When Hood told her his real name, he may as well have killed her himself.

Given how long they went without saying anything I'd presumed it was de facto cancelled. So, at least there's some kind of closure.

In the last episode of Nashville, Juliette stalked Avery at a festival, wearing a burqa and riding a mobile scooter. Weird doesn't even cover it.

Woo, community grades back at last!

True, but I think being credited but not appearing is something that only really happens with main characters.

I hope this isn't the last we've seen of Hallie. I like Grace Gummer and she's been utterly wasted so far this season.

Really? I thought it was dull… and I liked season 2.

That's hardly an uncommon thing in romantic comedies though, for the female lead to be told that she's attractive. You could say the same thing about Reese Witherspoon or Kate Hudson. Her aunt's attractiveness aside, Emma Roberts is genuinely beautiful, so it's not much of a stretch for Ma Petite to be enchanted by

Reversing a trend this season seemed to be on, that was a good episode!

Didn't even notice that Luke wasn't in this episode. Which is probably why I enjoyed it so much.

Would anyone even notice if Cisco disappeared? Dude does nothing except come up with bad puns and type away on his laptop.

Michelle Gomez was great, the rest of the episode was fucking terrible. Piss poor way to end Capaldi's first series.

Jimmy's constant blubbering about Meep is getting old. Laughed myself silly when he almost fingered Desiree to death though. Hopefully Gabourey Sidibe doesn't become a recurring character, she's terrible. And The Twins need to get killed off soon, they're just boring.

Thea looks hot every episode.

Sorry but this wasn't a good episode. Disappointing and utterly predictable. Oh look the boyfriend was behind it the whole time and he just wanted to steal money from the government, didn't see that one coming. Felicity's always great but the stuff with her mom was forced and boring. Ugh.

It was good, certainly better than a C+, but not as good as it could have been. They should have drawn out the scene where Maggie was about to get sawed in half. As soon as Dandy started sawing into the box, Jimmy jumped up and saved her. Obviously they weren't about to kill her off, but at least make Maggie sweat a

The big reveal of Ra's al Ghul would have been so much better if it was actually Liam Neeson. I knew it wasn't going to be him, but it just felt like they were building up to something and then… some random guy. End.

I think you'll find it's pronounced "KORRRRL"

Is it just me or was Maggie's accent really off in this episode?

I think it was more like "she ran away, then her sister called every phone in the world and she realised she was missed so she came back."