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    there is a solution for you.

    only if its an unvoted group of people

    Well in that case internet police may have been the wrong term. But a Mixture of a goverment funded operation including a self suistained civil party would suffice

    The point is, self driven cars will not get pulled over. in case of accidents they will provide a TON OF LOGS to what happend where... including position, speed of other vechicle, signs, timing to the millisecond.

    Isn't it time for Cops on the internet? I mean sure we have FBI´and cIA poking around the web to find pirated content, but what if MU just would have created an account so that someone with authority (!) can login and take down files that the riaa complained about?

    If you're really in survival mode, I heard you can bury the embers in a layer of dirt/sand and sleep on top for extra warmth.

    'carbs' is part of the same enum that has fat and protein

    or is torchwood there because of that episode? ;)

    there is a difference between trying something out and having friends that own 11 year old XP Maschines that never even saw a real license key.

    that may be happening, but just like p2p fxp and ftp it will take years to reach the general public.

    there was good american beer at some point?

    just put one of those reflectife foils for smartphones over it... i mean a big one =)

    why would it need to be oled in the first place?

    Me to :( was going to jump at the chance...

    i think the biggest question here is, how do they handle two different phone numbers, and what happens when both get called at the same time?!?


    from their faq: There is composite and HDMI out on the board, so you can hook it up to a digital or analogue television or to a DVI monitor. There is no VGA support, but adaptors are available.

    Now playing

    true words. nothing left to add but this ;)

    kicked their asses... they'll be back soon.

    Oakley makes these mp3 player sunglasses, so putting a hud in it would not be that far of a stretch... and it has its own power supply already mounted to the frame =)