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    clearly the chinese have found the scond gate and are on their way to roll their own version of the permethious projekt.

    i have the same problem with my home-phone... if i knock it against the table it starts working again.. russion way of solving everything.

    btw this really closes the deal on this topic:

    yes because they are allways the last person to enter the market...

    waht exactly is locked down besides those sticks? (which is not for usb sticks sake forbidden but rather for tensy boards)..

    i'd love to buy the focus s but they are not realsing it in europe. talking about phones they got a market here, but they dont get their hardware together... over here you cant even get a decent "second gen" wp7.. apart from the omnia 7 this is all we get: www.handytick.de/handys/windows-handys.htm ... Samsung

    exactly but the zune is a perfect example how you can completly be way to late on the market .

    seriously? this is your featured comment?

    well my guess was, that this thing was going to have a browser anyway... and with office 365 the "mail problem" would have been solved without further ado

    you do realize that for the full-featured OS you are going to need the full-featured computing power right? and yes it is nice to play with on a tablet, and the "responsive interface" is just a clone of what WP7 already does... so a tablet with wp7 that connects to the "real thing" would have done the job and pumped

    I am a Microsoft Fan forever now. I have been rooting for them no matter what... had all of ther OSes and all of ther Office suits.. Despite the xbox i have pretty much everything MS makes and throws at the world. I really like it this way... BUT to be honest... IM FED UP. 15 years on MS-Tech... 15 Years of loyalty

    Amen to that!

    ýes but you need a warrant for that.. and our judges rock, when it comes to things like that.

    well "here" would be germany... we got laws that restrict the use of private data. meaning: if i really am not speeding, get away with your camera, this is my privacy you are invading and i even can sue you for that

    because there are cars that get you from point A to point B. And then there are cars that get you from point A to point B really fast.

    actually i would very much like that. that would render em illegal here =)

    turn the thing around... if you can get the speed a vehicle drives at you, you prolly can do the same thing the other way.. they do that over here with bikers (not the new, but the old system)

    The real question to be asked is: Are they mobile?

    when you want to navigate there, the phone moste-likely is already broken

    "We hate waiting for things." this is totally misleading... you still will have to wait for the package to arrive... in Fact even you will have to wait longer as the post-guy never shoes up on your doorstep. sure you will get an sms or something that you got something somewhere but you will be in need to drive