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    duhh of course it makes sense... its MICROSOFT... apart from WP7 (which is an entirely new "thing") every single peace of software they did was downwards compatible... and OFC that is going to be the case with win 8 and especially things that are built withe the .net Framework will survive the next 10 to 15 years

    well the question is: aren't the stones going to fall on that roof to the left anyway? i mean okay it protects the people on that marketplace or whatever that shall be but on the other hand the boulders will just roll right into your rooftop... very sophisticated design i have to admit.

    i just found one use but its a dredicoulus thought really:

    English is my third language, and even I know my subject-verb agreements.

    yes, i got that. But what i meant to say is that nowadays most startups only need the software layer of something and thats what the valey is about...

    You are right! I never knew that but i googled around and found this:

    hahaha awesome... i can imagine people rolling all over the office because they fell of their ball ^^

    imagine someone in the club with that helmet... first the bouncers would beat him up and secondly everybody else who gets either the horns, or the fiber into his face while doing the breakdance...

    with horns?

    I think the main reason, why what you are posting is true, is that not manystartups NEED HARDWARE anymore.

    agreed =)

    am i the only one realising that the site is up for sale right now?

    its a prototype, strap another huge battery on the back of the primary battery. function over design!!one one!

    my thoughts exactly.

    welcome to the world of professional journalism.

    Envys are not the hipster laptops of the Windows world. that plan is going to fail. Seriously... most of the Goons dont even know hp makes Laptops...

    See Honey... the suv and the Jetsky are just for emergencies!!!

    Woo GizUK, that is excellent news! :D