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    haha true but on the other hand... i know im an oldschool guy, but WHO needs 2TB in HIS POCKET?

    ppl this is not a blimp its a rigged airship. a tracer round is not gonna do much... and plus if it goes down, nobody can hear you scream in the arctic anayway ^^.

    damn you beat me to it :/

    "Lights on" "switch to channel five" "order default pizza order"

    yeah thats what i meant =)

    been there done that but it still took me way more than 6 hours :( and seriously... Why would a tourist fly non stop to maine? =)

    i think you are understating the situation... it is and allways will be a 65 mile tunnel... even with backup pipes as escape tunnels... if a quake hits it right its gonna go down...

    actually i do have all of the above, but still as @daniel75hunter points out, i got wireless everything. BTW the pro-tip for the ps3 is to either get an independent charger or just load em over the computer usb port while not playing... works everytime and if you kill the batts in one gaming session... well then you

    Yes! Bring it! =)

    ha! nokia gets windows phones. i've been waiting for that!

    all of them are apps if they are small and based on dynamic tech (mostly html in this case) full fledget software is something you have to install in order to get it working.. =)

    more stuff the world doesnt neeed.... if you keep falling over your wires... just leave the tech be and read a newspaper instead of an app..

    i just renamed my wifi to that... lets scare some hipster punks ;)

    then hopefully someone is going to be fed up with all those unneccesairy lawsuits and finally puts the banhammer down on that practise.

    come on... deving on XBOX is whole different issue... That system has to be the way it is as it just is with sony and everybody else doing serious consoles... They require their own SDKS etc... and to be honest.. in order create trule awesome games... the system has to be that way.

    You people may be cussing, but this is actually what i waited for... it was either this or the total expansion of the steam network to be the primary source of Games AND Software.

    Iam sorry you two....

    well he wanted to be the fastest hacker ever!

    or this

    Yes totally what i thought!