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    also she clearly made her daughter hate herself... just thinking about how she used to be "fat" brought tears to her eyes. the mom talked about how she spent all this time and energy and was willing to risk serious health damages to change and "fix" her own body. women have enough negative body images as it is without

    No doubt, there are many amazing female characters and role models in Harry Potter. And yeah, HP was written by a women. But I still think the Hunger Games is a HUGE HUGE deal. J.K. Rowling's publisher's insisted that she had to publish as "J.K." rather than Joanne because they worried that if little boys knew the

    i also didn't like the end because, well, after so much had happened it just kind of fizzled out, and was not at all satisfying (sort of how i feel about the end of the HP series).

    I agree that the title was a bit too nonspecfic. But the fact of the matter is, this trend in single motherhood shows wide social change that is probably good for women. in past era's a woman who had a child outside of marriage was often shunned and left without any way of achieving economic stability. this meant that

    sums it up perfectly

    I'm currently 18 and I just received my Gold Award, along with my two troop members. We've all been in Girl Scouts since at least second grade. I totally disagree with you about the authors point, her article really resonated with me. Like the author, my troop members (very good friends of mine) and I decided to earn

    Why on earth would they do that... idiots. at least they could have called it Windows Phone Home Premium, so you know its shit. Who the frack reads Hardware specs?


    A work around is to install it in Parallels. Though doing a clean install from ISO in Parallels and then installing the Parallels tools didn't work so well, upgrading a Windows 7 VM in Parallels with the Windows 8 setup seems to have worked fine, and so far is behaving well.

    Similar thing happened with me, but with AT&T. They wouldn't offer me any discounts, so I switched to Cable for internet for their "new customer" offer. After a couple months, I could switch back and get the new customer offer with AT&T, but my speeds are about twice as fast now, so maybe I won't...

    the problem isnt the way how its streamed. the problem is that the entertainment industry doesnt want it to be streamed in the first place.

    I've found google reader unbearably slow lately. I'd really rather have a fix than an alternative personally, but I think they've forced me to look for an alternative.


    Commenting system failes for me... anyway all in one go lets give it a try

    haha i didnt watch the video at first, but the dad summs it up nicely... just have someone knock at the kids door that tells em "hey you hacked the computer of this girl. you are now going to jail! U Mad Bro?"

    Nails on the street? really? and how often does that happen? despite that fact that you only have to make room so the ambulance can pass, you are supposed to pull over to make room not to park your car on the side so the ambulance can have all lanes for itself. you wouldnt driver off a bridge either just because there

    i would rather not take 4 chan as an example of an online society ;)

    they only need to make their own judgements, because other people make mistakes. yes there will be bugs, no i dont think they shold get a greenlight tomorrow... and modding your automated car in order to "speed" or whatever. -> instant jailtime. no questions asked.

    I'm a foreigner tell me about it ;)