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    i can imagine you guys standing around at a local cofeeshop and then this terminator runs up to you, threatens your life and all youll say is "COMIC SAAAAAANS!!!!!!"

    well played sir. ;)

    also why would he have win 7 on the tiny one and xp on the "real one"... fake

    My Inline Skates allways had their breaks removed on day one!

    well this is like skydiving... the first try is in a more subtle environment with an instructor on your back... once you handeled that you may go virgin and go to space prepared =)

    that would only happen if i instlalled all the laster youtube converters and other poisenous freeware onto my onboard system... which sure is not going to happen ;)

    Dear Microsoft,

    you still would not have a frontend without a proper backend.

    I believe thats its going to be VERY hot in there.

    i know what you mean but it still gets down to who you ask to fullfill the task... i allways offer two solutions to my clients: one completly custom (with frontend/backend code) and one where i use a systems thats allready there (wordpress etc or their own system)

    Well if you allways pay the cheapest price you will get what you pay for =)

    they buy base laouts like [themefuse.com] this one and then build the "new platform" upon that... cuts dev time in half.. furthermore once you done that you will essentially end up with a "framework" of your own anyway..

    i just wondered... given that we have hd cams now and all... isnt it possible to catch the qr codes of all players on the field over cam and thus render them into a "grid" and basically have live tracking of em?

    which is what some of the webdesign firms do anyways..

    Nowadays i just use CDKey of whatever i have laying around in order to protect something valuable... for the other stuff i have weak passwords... although my favorite password is hitting "space" a couple of times... allmost unguessable =)

    actually i agree with you but on the other side, thats how heroes are born and thats what the times demad right now :/

    at first i was like WTF?

    thats not a flying sphere... its a regular copter with a round case..

    BTW Guys, by that logic... why dont we remote control the hummer they are in and leave the soldiers at basecamp alltimes ^^

    it has a cat should have been number 1 on that list!