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    idk if i should be happy or paranoid.

    nice, new remotes!

    no WP7. no deal.

    Skynet is comming...

    @cc: Please tell me you meant grateful, otherwise I have no idea what you mean, and I don't want to.

    @TheFu: It's true that picking up the second language is much easier than the first, but some languages are much harder to learn than others. After managing your own memory, everything else is easy, but if you've always had a garbage collector, then you have a few new concepts, not just syntax, to learn.

    @TheFu: I've convinced the store (where I bought the phone) to replace the battery for free before, but it sounds like your phone is pretty old so I don't know if they'll do that.


    meh its only about bling...

    @Live N Learn: if best buy is smart they'll track you down and hopefully fire you.

    good thing he's not an urologist.

    @corsair130: i can really see those doctors being able to afford one of these...

    the flow would be a pretty neat vaporizer ^^

    @FriarNurgle: I can clearly hear his voice saying that! MMD!

    @12345: damn you cought me without my pants on ;)

    they dont look the same.

    @FlyingAvocado: sadly no... its because of the merge of different departements into bigger Tiers, like everything that has to do with the system (win) has nothing to do with office. they are two different partners. Just remeber the cleartype debate. Everyone thought it would be a great product, but the departments