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    Ok, I don't usually comment, but the editor knows my position. :) FOXNEWS always offers both sides of he news unlike the other mainstream media such as ABC ,CBS and if you think they are main stream, MSNBC. The commentators are obviously conservative, but even there almost always have someone from the "other side" on

    Ycopy and UnstopCP. I used to use unstopcp, but I can't get over the stupid cat icon. I recently discovered and love Ycopy because of its single-exe-ness.

    @Joe: dear self: the sprint everything data plan may include unlimited messaging (can anyone confirm?), which would once again balance the financial scales...

    i know how glorious the iphone is. i've had some hands-on with it. but i'm lured by the innovative interface of the pre. however, at&t offers rollover minutes as part of an otherwise-identically priced individual plan. i'm conflicted.

    @MCWHAMMER: thanks to you, too. guess i'm the last to know! great feature. non-invasive implementation even better.

    @Erin Schwendemann:

    They've been Lifehacked!

    Damn. I meant to say that I am a fan of Pixlr - [pixlr.com]

    I'm a fan of Pixlr.

    TweetGrid is definitely my favorite way to track multiple searches. It's a great tool for watching for breaking stories or live-tracking niche topics.

    damn small makes me happy. quick, attractive, (relatively) simple. a few issues with flash and, since i use it primarily for browsing, that has made me frown a few times, but i'm looking into it.

    this will fulfill that settings migration itch i've been getting whenever i install on a new box/notebook/usb drive. most excellent.

    @SamburgerHandwich: Compressing images that are already compressed through a lossy file type is useless.

    Possibly a stupid question...

    @distortedloop: from 40,000 when you first visited them to well over 100,000 now, and counting.

    i've been on a bookmarklets kick ever since my firefox profile started swallowing memory whole. i'm an addons addict. i've been playing with trying to squeeze the same functionality that i had with way too many addons out of a new profile, using only bookmarklets and Ubiquity. it's going pretty well so far, but I