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    You can't force a server to compress anything. If it doesn't support it, it isn't going to do it just because you "ask" it to do so. Well setup servers should be compressing everything they can anyways, it helps to save bandwidth.

    brings me back to the frame-by-frame animations i made via MS Paint and the long-forgotten proggy that combined the images into a gif. sure, i had friends. but sometimes, the real world's frame rate is just too much to take.

    Grabbed Instant Boss after reading Gina's post on it almost 2 years ago. Still using it.

    Yea, just did two searches, got results for someone else. Completely hosed. Missed their big shot.

    Oohhhh this brings back memories...

    just a heads up: Up, Down, Down, Up + Punch = Wonderwoman's fatality Move, Kankle Crunch.

    It's worth noting that it's not only christian rock that's worth millions—it's really anything that you can slap "Christian" to as a category (i.e. "Passion of the Christ).

    Little Timmy's parents will be CRUSHED, absolutely crushed, to discover his online buddy was in fact a husky voiced, 65 year old woman from Long Island with a penchant for Marlboros and Cats.

    The Announcer?

    "'scuse me, but have you seen an asian girl around here? kinda skinny, black hair, black eyes, about this tall? Oh, you have seen her? a few dozen?"

    Windows podcatchers... I'm a Linux zealot who recently switched back to XP. I want a podcast downloader that will automatically download everything and list it in reverse chronological order for me to manually copy to an SD card for my ancient Palm T|X. Rhythmbox worked great for this... anything on Windows?

    this will really help when writing blog posts about events i've added to my calendar via emails from publicists. no more back and forth between the calendar and the event email. finally!

    Hey, where's the cream filling?

    Well, Obama just lost his 30% some-odd first voter lead over Mccain to Ackerman.

    @Sutekh: eh eh now, don't be bashing the the turn based menus

    Seriously? 'Cause that looks like crap. The original is way better.

    I'm going to save my money for the vacuum attachment for the wii.

    @tzaketh: it sure beats the water bottles the army gave out at my highschool years ago.