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    If you're looking to tweak Vista, here's more tips, 58 and counting!

    Anyone know of a downloadr.py? I'd love for my old-laptop-cum-digital photo frame to be able to download photos from my Flickr account. Filter by tag, set, date, etc.

    ... I don't have my kids actually put their hands on the car, though, as my car-washing habits are pretty much non-existent.

    My solution is perfect. About 18 months ago, I got hit by a car in a parking lot, which put me on crutches for a month. "You want to get run over like Daddy did? Stay by the car."

    @anekam1: Why would you turn echo off, then echo the command? Just leaving echo on should do the same thing, no? You could do @pause at the end so that one won't show.

    Aha. Perhaps the 'ping google.com' example was a touch misleading though. Good idea, I may have to use it in the future but then again, I just always keep a command prompt open; if I have to use it more than twice a day I'd rather just run it in the background.

    Why wouldn't you just do ping [google.com] instead of cmd /c ping google.com? It will accomplish the same thing.

    I use* Send to Desktop (Create Shortcut) a lot. In the minds of most of our users, if there's not a desktop shortcut, it's not installed. Far too often, they MOVE a shortcut from the Start Menu instead of COPYing it, so then it's gone for any other users as well. Telling them to hold CTRL is too complicated, as is

    Here's the method I use to not only pick a strong password, but to have a unique password for each site, and still be able to remember it:

    I still don't understand why anyone would want to synchronize bookmarks. Use Google Bookmarks, works on Firefox or IE through the Google toolbar, or you can access them through a web page if you're on a computer that doesn't have the toolbar. Since I switched I haven't had to think twice about my bookmarks, they are

    I take back saying Tab Mix Plus could replace PermaTab. PermaTab remembers tabs you want frozen, and loads them every time you start Firefox, Tab Mix Plus doesn't remember them, you have to set them frozen every time you start. Looks like PermaTab is back in my top 10 (along with Faviconize).

    @adam: Right you are! Looks like I've got a new opening in my top 10 now that I don't need PermaTab. 'Freeze' is the one you want to use, both locks and protects the tab. Here's the extensive documentation that I finally tracked down for Tab Mix Plus:

    How does Tab Mix Plus replace PermaTabs? I use both, I don't see PermaTabs functionality in the Tab Mix Plus settings anywhere.

    Note that your mileage may vary. As I mention in my post WinHelp for Vista May Not Provide the Help You Need I found some programs don't work with it. Funny enough, if you need help in Windows Help itself, you've got a problem (no help file installed to go with the help menu)!

    I love bashing Microsoft as much as the next guy, but most of this Vista bashing is bogus. I run a blog about Vista (read it and you'll see I'm no MS fanboi), and as long as you have sufficient hardware (my biggest criticism would be that the minimum hardware requirements are way low), it runs fine. Firefox? Been

    No worries until either the water from melted icebergs reaches your windowsills or the heat from global warming makes you pass out...

    I agree with the 'minefield' comment, to many of those icons just really clutter things up. I instead opted to have one big icon on all my pages that funnel everyone to a subscription page that has a few of the most popular ones, as well as the Feedburner link which will allow them to choose from many more, as well as

    I've got a few more screenshots at my post about this here:

    Very cool. I've already customized it a bit and included it on my news page at ITsVISTA.