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    I've been doing the same thing, backing up with Thunderbird, but I'm using the 'Thunderbird-Tray' extension to start Thunderbird and minimize it to the tray. If you come up with a simple command-line option, do let us all know. The other part of this to consider is restoring mail to G-mail. I initially started backing

    Here's my scheme: (and a similar hierarchical scheme was touched upon here recently)

    I used ImgBurn on Vista to make my WinPE disc, worked perfectly ([itsvista.com]).

    But be careful people, don't delete existing partitions with data on them, it's very easy to do!

    I tried my Scotch-Brite sponge out of curiosity. I soaked it, then squeezed it out, then put it in my 1400 watt microwave for 2 minutes. When it was done, the sponge had dried out a bit in the center, and was not hot to the touch. I ran it under water and it fully regained its shape.

    Once you upgrade, I'm gathering a bunch of Vista tips and info at ITsVISTA. Useful things like how to autologin, why you should keep the UAC security on (and how to turn it off should you wish), etc.

    It still ends up in a landfill, it just takes a few gallons of water and some processing to get it there (step one at the filtration plant is to collect all the 'solids', which get trucked to a landfill). I'd like to hear more about why this is better than throw away diapers. If they desolve, don't we then have to

    I fancy myself a computer savvy individual (Web developer, programmer) and I remember trying this in the past but for the life of me I just couldn't get it to work.

    Funny this was posted, I just needed to convert a file but it didn't work for me? I uploaded the file, followed the link in the email and clicked 'Download Now' on the page but it never offered me any download.

    http://www.showtracker.us - I've been working on it for awhile. It you're willing to put up with a site in beta, then it's for you.

    I've been using Google Bookmarks for a while now, you get it built

    One word: Paytrust.

    I've heard that www.alibris.com is pretty good.

    @Pedro again:


    Wireless "Palm Pilot"? That would make a killing on eBay...

    @JB Segal:

    Hey, I didn't even realize they had changed "Go" to "History." Makes more sense if you ask me.

    Someone should invent a set of punctuation marks that denote: include the information within, but do not include the marks themselves. Then those marks should be forbidden from ever being used in any programming language. Ever. Never, ever, ever. Ever.