Jim Spanfeller is a herb

Well, since I never get out of the greys here any more, I’ve been replaying Dishonored 2. Actually, I can’t recall if I ever finished it first time around.

The issue is with the first sentence. The Ghostbusters “franchise” is the problem

The Velveeta(TM) House of Cheese Food!

Maybe FaceBidens because I think they like Hitler.

Sacha Baron Cohen thinks it’d be funny if he got naked and fingered his ass.

Introducing the Tuesday night keynote speaker at this Summer’s Republican National Convention.

“I refuse to sit next to someone who is considerate enough to wear a mask in public.  I mean, what kind of twisted freak tries to limit the spread of contagions to others?  Who does that?”

“Nah. Television shows were a mistake.”

“She also said at the time that Cohen encouraged her to put her finger up his butt in the film’s final scene...”

Tell me more about this film ‘Imagrinary’?

“corporate behemoths and people from the tech world” are “taking over creativity,” have turned everything into “content,” and have “diminished it as much as it possibly could be.”

It’s been called “The Town” for decades, to differentiate it from San Francisco, which locals always call “the city.”

Be fair. It wasn’t entirely a Taxi Driver ripoff. There was a fair bit of The King of Comedy in there too.

Once again, for the Americans:

Are people seriously still clutching their pearls over a movie having reshoots? Reshoots don’t say anything about an individual movie these days, although they definitely say something about the big-budget Hollywood machine.

I’d read somewhere that the rumors were that she’d had a hysterectomy, and now the cancer diagnosis. It hits close to home for me. My wife had one earlier this year. No cancer was found, thankfully, but we’re not done — she’s due for a mastectomy later this year as well. All preventative.

Fuck cancer. And I hope the people who spent the past few weeks clamoring for details about a stranger’s private life feel a little bit bad about themselves after this news.

Maybe it’s like cilantro where it tastes completely awful to a lot of people, but I can’t imagine disliking dill. Salmon, potato salad, not to mention nearly the entirety of both Greek and Polish cuisine.

In live action? Nope. But The Last Unicorn gave The Neverending Story a run for its money and I’d argue that even though animated, is the better 80s fantasy film. The soundtrack slaps, the VAs are killer, the animators all moved on to Ghibli, and the author adapted the screenplay. The Last Unicorn in film was

Artax was a week from retirement!