Jim Spanfeller is a herb

I’ve been reading that the era of prestige TV has ended and the number of shows worth writing about is declining, but I didn’t know we had already reached the point where content mills are having to write about upcoming reality shows featuring people fired from other second-tier reality shows for being too openly

All this talk of Cruise being the savior of theatrical distribution, and no mention of Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One?

Somehow, Jar Jar Binks returned...

Adapt Tag & Bink Were Here, you cowards!

I loved Beakman’s World when it first aired, but the show lost a good deal of its bite when Ubach left. She was even great in the canceled-too-soon Nicktoon Welcome to the Wayne.

I find it odd for the filmmakers to be knowledgeable enough to make Clarence a twin of Thomas, but to fall for the old traps of setting the story “in the year 33" and of conflating the Immaculate Conception with the Virgin Birth.

I feel the opposite way: There can’t possibly any valid praise for Star Wars!

The Mandalorian & Grogu

In addition to; Favreau confirmed the fourth season is “penned” according to the article. (Plotted? Storyboarded? Scripted? At least it’s in the early stages of production.)

The director says he based the screenplay on Silence author Shūsaku Endō’s book A Life Of Jesus and is “trying to find a new way to make [religion] more accessible” by focusing on the teachings of Jesus but doesn’t hit viewers over the head with them.

80 minutes is too long for you?

As much as I love Tron, I have to admit it has some obvious problems, one of them being that it gave Cindy Morgan so little to do in her dual role. And yet she managed to make an impression anyway. I’m glad she was able to enjoy the notoriety of her early roles while still working in the industry.

Being the straight man grounding an eccentric cast is a difficult, thankless role, so mad props to her for nailing the role in a classic farce.

Where would modern internet commentary be without intentionally ungenerous readings of subtext?

Was your dad all shook up?

Are the Nazis on their Discord server employees of the company, freelancers working for them, or otherwise someone given status or authority by the company, or are they just players of the company’s games? Are they allowing Nazi content or references on their server, or is that something they company fighting?

“because The Bachelor is an inherently issue-heavy premise”

I want a movie where The Hulk fights a Tornado.”

So, it’s not a reboot, a continuation, or a sequel, it’s just set in the same continuity as Twister, which is to say, present-day USA.