Jim Spanfeller is a herb

approximately 2013"

I understand why we have to keep talking about Trump and his cronies, but why do we have to keep talking about Ye? Is his music still relevant, or has it been coasting on past success?

will AI actors actually upsell more than a generic AI voice? Enough to offset the cost of compensating the actor for their “likeness”? In my eyes, the only way it will generate enough excess revenue over generic AI is if it makes people choose that restaurant because of the AI voice, and I just don’t see that

We live in the worst possible timeline, so it’ll not only revitalize it, but whoever owns the rights will also release a new autotuned version with AI-generated animation for the video.

I know a lot of people prefer to ignore Douglas Adams’s last HGttG book, but honestly I think it’s an overreaction. Sure, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish is quite a bit different from the preceding trilogy, to the point it feels almost like a novel-length postscript rather than a full-fledged continuation, but

upselling conversions

If AI Reynolds “upsells” enough cheap soda and fries, that’ll justify its cost. That, and no doubt the company will use the fact that employees no longer have to take drive-thru orders to eliminate another employee per location.

If you’re needing to emphasize that this is an “adult-animated” miniseries, I feel like the lede is being buried here. I’m curious about Netflix’s miniseries animated by minors.

Did DoD deliver?

after 40 years

I can see why they wouldn’t want to retread the cliche of “dark, troubled villain eventually embraces his inner goodness to aid the heroes”; on the other hand, I would be troubled by Han’s death not just being in vain, but contributing to Ben’s final transformation into Kylo. That seems far darker and more cynical

Well, 2015 was a lifetime ago, so that tracks.

OK, sorry, my brain’s been stuck in neutral or something. So it was a notably acrimonious and public split, but there’s no allegations or even signs of abuse in the relationship. Thus, the “gaslighting” from the ex in the movie is either Wilde adding something to the story to make it more compelling, or is her making

Assuming he did try to arrange that timing, that’s impressively petty (and a move that would win him cheers from MAGAts), but it doesn’t really seem indicative of a history of abuse.

It’s about a 3 minute drive to the Little Caesar’s from where I work, so I’d have to do some shopping or other errands if I plan to arrive roughly when my order gets ready.

Full disclosure, I’m terrible at keeping up with celebrity news even if it’s something I should know or about someone I like, so: Have there been allegations that Sudekis was/is abusive?

There’s also not much for even MRA types to hang on her. Those texts are BAD and pretty well torpedo any ‘lyin’ bitch be crazy’ bullshit.

And get Frank Oz to direct.

People still care about the Golden Globes?

“Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)“, which is superior to all comers.