
I agree. The reaction to this seems wholly out of proportion.

I guess I’m the last person in the world who is kind of staggered by how big a deal it apparently is that Jeffrey Tambor yelled at Jessica Walter once. Didn’t rape her. Didn’t sexually assault her at all. Didn’t physically assault her. Didn’t touch her at all, it seems. Didn’t make suggestive comments towards

Narrator: Later, the cast went to New York City for a promotional interview.

Yeah, I find this ridiculous. There were no punches thrown? No one was assaulted? She just got yelled at...big fucking deal

Makes me want to fire her. Getting yelled at makes you cry? Grow up. You’re not a child.

No that would be terrible if they cancelled the series at this point. Also a horrible business decision.

I’m gonna say this, every time. It’s so stupid that people are required to go on Twitter and apologize to the internet.

Now playing

I wonder how many times any of us have yelled at someone. How many times has a wife yelled at a husband, a husband yelled at a wife, kids yelled at parents, parents yelled at kids, friends yelled at friends, family at family? Hmmmmm.....?

Oh so now you think Cannibal Witch should have buckets of water thrown on her just because you disagree? So much for the tolerant left

Say what you will about Cannibal Witch, but no one can deny her professionalism.

The other one is Koa Beck, editor-in-chief of Jezebel, which is notorious for having just hired a cannibal witch. Mister policeman she gave us all the clues, indeed.

You’re not wrong.

Here is what I don’t get about Cannibal witch. Why not eat a large child? This America, its filled with fat children. Why eat two small children? Seems wasteful.

This is typical of Commie pinko islamofascist LIEberal fake news outlets like Jezebel to censor the free speech of a great thinker like Cannibal Witch just because she doesn’t follow the approved gluten-free vegan diet LIEberal love so much. You refused to even give her a chance to prove herself before you gave in to

Out there, on the internet somewhere, there’s a lengthy article written by a born and raised Brooklynite talking about their neighborhood being overrun with a scourge of bloggers from New Mexico.

This is an incredible article. I only visited New Mexico once and I did find it beautiful. I love the desert, I love the weather, but I’m also mixed race and I find the Native vs European narrative to be a little isolating. Most Latinos have both Native and European heritage. Culturally that European heritage is more

It takes me weeks back in Brooklyn to recover.

It wasn’t unusual to see one of the movie stars stalking around Santa Fe wearing what he probably imagined was local garb: an absurdly fringed leather jacket, a precarious 10-gallon hat, gleaming boots looking like six months of someone’s salary.

I would say that America is spiritually bankrupt and this sort of thing is what passes for spirituality now. People paying lip service to a thing for a couple of days for a laugh and a feeling of self satisfaction. It’s been reduced to a consumer activity like everything else in this country.

You said your father was full blooded. You got caught in a lie you white white white person