Jodie We'll Taker

I think some of the blowback against his stance on political statements is that it was (fairly or not) interpreted as “shield middle eastern governments from criticism”

I understand the porpoising thing. It was making F1 look stupid. The response kinda cemented the stupidity imo.

I cannot give the proverbial ass of the rat, with the prominent exception of any effects this change may have on GM’s entry into F1.

...the dealership won’t let you buy out your lease

the dealer signs a contract that allows you to buy your car and the price of it in advance they can’t stop you

Not really, but I can’t speak for all brands. We dont hammer people on down payments, because it really only affects monthly payment, there’s no advantage to it other than that. Maybe 500 or 1000 to get the payment from $415 to a better-feeling $389 or whatever, but now when your talking a 10-15 dollar a month

You gotta have some serious hate in your veins to be mad at a Black man who’s giving you the day off

Has Bond not always been a fuckboy though?

Oh, for sure. CIA, too. Stevie Wonder went down to Jamaica to support Bob Marley. And the FBI had a file on Bob. They especially don’t love it when Black folk get to huddling with Black folk from different places. Stevie’s proudly BEEN part of movements. What blew my mind in terms of deviousness was learning Harry

Then why doesn’t he renounce everything he’s done? Why is he still in hiding trying to get laid by lying about himself?

Counterpoint: no. When neo-Nazis go underground, that just lets them escape culpability for all the harm they caused. If he wants redemption, he can loudly and publicly denounce the movement he once led. He can fight, like a number of ex-neo-Nazis have, to destroy the organizations he previously supported. He isn’t

I thought Beyonce was fierce, but this child is going to eat all of us alive. 

At this point, it’s all about the money... female drivers don’t have the backing to race in formula 3 (despite beating other male drivers) for the most part.

So, the entire F3 European Regional Championship with Prema thing is a literal sham and in name only.

A.J. Balbo, Greg McMichael’s attorney argued that Greg chased Arbery because he was the man he had seen in security camera footage taken from a house under construction and not because he was a Black man.”- Did these Overseers chase down the white children also caught on tape? That white couple?

Even outside of the Deep South I still view federal civil rights cases as a good secondary check of DAs who are subject to the forces of local politics and who need to maintain functional relationships with the local police force. 

Lemme spitball here.

I wouldn’t mind having a tall girlfriend.

It still boggles my mind that we as Black folk have not en masse canceled Coonye and all of his minions. I wouldn't allow my kids to watch his free concert with (borderline pedo) Drake on Amazon today because I didn’t want him to get the views from my house at least. While I acknowledge he has some issues that need

I’m about to start a petition to free Jussie as long as we never have to hear from him again.