As someone who spent many hours on Saturday (my day off) to find a way to get grant money to people to repair houses in my city, I can only say All Hail The Queen!
As someone who spent many hours on Saturday (my day off) to find a way to get grant money to people to repair houses in my city, I can only say All Hail The Queen!
I don't know if I'll ever get out of my head the image of the Lavender Hen Mother searching for her missing eggs hours after they were taken!
What the hell year is this again? 2018 or 1958?
Who are the six people who voted for Alexa over indoor plumbing???
Donald Trump’s BUTTON-SIZED penis is about to get us into war with North Korea...FTFY.
I always liked Somebody Told Me better. That hasn’t left my personal playlist since it came out.