Joe The Drummer

Completely with you on the Sport Wagon idea. I was born in the 70s and remember these cars but I do not ever, ever recall seeing a Volare Sport Wagon.

I really want some nutcase to Hellcat one of these.

A childhood friend’s parents had one of these. The most memorable thing about it was when I stared at the evenly spaced pores in the vinyl headliner it would create a weird stereoscopic effect that gave me vertigo.

Once the oil crisis hit performance and styling were on borrowed time.

“What the hell kinds of parades has the seller been to? The Great Cthulu’s Independence Day Blow-Out? The HR Giger Day Parade and Bioterrorism Carnival?”

Exactly. As indulgent as Yes could be, they put out quite a bit of music that is, you know, listenable.

This!  Can Torch get to the bottom of this mystery?  I love a good yarn about a car VW Brazil made for 11 minutes in 1978 out of the recycled tears of beetle owners as much as the next guy, but this, this is investigative journalism that *needs* to be done.

because it’s a parade every time you drive it, even if you’re the only one on the road

Knock the boots and you can enter from the rear.

That picture plus some drugs, and you are probably right.

Side-boob has to raise the asking price a few bucks.

This gets TurboTeen hot. Best not ask My Mother The Car about it.

??? She’s raising one arm. That changes how things sit, you know.

Proof that 38 year old Datsun’s were better built than a 2018 Nissan.

My first car was a 1983 Dodge Ram Pioneer full sized van. Hand me down from mom. It was tan with a dark brown stripe down the body and had tan and brown plaid interior and dark brown carpet. My first car stereo install was in that beast. My twin brother and I had a blast driving the C-TANK. Learning to drive and

Dajiban racing is proof that the universe wants us to be happy, and knows we like watching things that shouldn’t go fast do just that.

It’s called the Astra Sports Tourer

Or both together:

Do you think it’s funny?

*Dumb ForSix