Joe The Drummer

As a former driver, whose parents were drivers, brother still is a driver and who spent more time in a semi as a kid than I did in a house let me be the first to say fuck SWIFT.


Volvos should play ABBA.

Still one of the best parts of my 94' corolla no chimes at all... drive in a parkinglot with no seatbelt no worries. open the door with the lights on and the key in the ignition no problemo. Then again to be fair i forgot my lights on once and drained the battery but I’ll never do that mistake again and a quick jump

...-David Tracy

There is something so chill, refined and glamorous about 60's-70's car advertising. Just a well lit, golden hour moment and the car.

Nice lawn. Would be a shame if something were to happen to it....

Now playing

Well it is Kahn’s car of course he parks it whereever he pleases.

A marginal NP. A friend of mine once owned a Fiero; I was amazed by the cabin’s roominess. And it never caught on fire. 

Agree. What’s weird is the variety of models Pontiac made. You could get the notchback or fastback, with wing or without wing, T-tops, fixed roof, fixed roof with giant removeable sunroof, V6, V6 GT, 4-cylinder, Formula body, 2M6/2M4 body, and prob more that I don’t remember. Don’t see that kind of variety in one

“1970's rubber bumpers”

Current hobby is anger at david. Wanna suggest a new one?

Is it wrong that I read that in Will Smith’s voice?

I really don’t understand your neighbor’s beef.. He should be glad that POS isn’t viewable from the street anymore.. AND you have a privacy fence. Mud? As long as it stays in your yard, what does he care? Your landlord on the other hand..

I feel like it’s mandatory that most neighborhoods that aren’t in a gated community have exactly one of these types

If you *have* a back yard, you have a loooonnng way to go to reach rock bottom, my man.

Neighbors just don’t understand.

You really are kind of a dumbass.

In the next article, David Tracy is on a mission to find a new home for him and all his Jeeps after being evicted for mudding his landlord’s back yard, pimping mosquitos, and making skunks wet themselves so much that it made his neighbors cranky.

David, I love reading your articles, but I thank the good Lord above that you aren’t my neighbor. Or my tenant. ;)