
I don't see any Christians here to be made fun of.

Are there Muslin or Jew young earthers making noise and trying to sell movies?

I knew more about science by the time I was in 5th grade than Kirk Cameron does now. And it's not like I'm some genius. I think are you smarter than a three year old? would be more appropriate for him.

Growing up we all went to church on Sunday. To this day my brother still leads a monthly bible study retreat. And yet every member of my immediate family understands, in at least a basic way, the underlying principles of biological evolution by means of natural selection.

Morons like Cameron have yet to accept that Genesis is metaphor and not a literal chronology of the creation of the universe. There are some of us who understand the science behind our world yet can still have faith in a higher power. People like Cameron are ideolouges and no one likes an idealouge no matter what

How Christian of him!

I don't think They're ridiculing Christians, i think they are ridiculing Kirk Cameron. God.. I hope all Christians aren't clones of Kirk Cameron.

Also, 50% of their sources seem to be "some people are saying." "Some people are saying Obama never graduated college and is actually a part of ISIS." The next thing you know, your grandma is emailing you: "Did you know Obummer is part of ISIS? I saw it on the news today."

Thirty-five years ago, I was hitchhiking across the country when a fundamentalist stopped to give me a ride. I needed the ride so wasn't about to get into an argument with him, but he did say, "Evolution is just silly. I mean, you put an amoeba into a jar and a million years later you have a monkey?"

To be fair, some christians and creationists are just asking to be ridiculed.

Towel? OK. Rubber glove? I'm on board. ALUMINUM FOIL? Get that the hell away from my dick!

They should suspend him without pay.

I know just the person to check this out...

Please STFU. Every once in a while, a spanking is necessary. I've been lucky; my daughter is three and some change and I've never had to hit her until once, a few weeks ago. Sometimes, corporal punishment is needed and can be effective as long as you follow three rules:

You're a pathetic little bug, likely one of those poor, put-upon white males who actually thinks HE is the one who is oppressed. People who complain about political correctness are the same sad bastards who long for the days they could slap around a woman when she talks back and anyone darker than a pillow would be

"Just be a politically correct ultra leftist, and you'll be fine. "

If you think the idea that men are occasionally responsible for domestic abuse is an extreme view, I fear for all the women in your life.

It's really funny how people like you equate conservatism with manliness. Explains a lot about the country today.

I'm pretty sure ESPN is as corporate as they come. Nothing leftist about ESPN.

Nobody is making you read this site.