
Towel? OK. Rubber glove? I'm on board. ALUMINUM FOIL? Get that the hell away from my dick!

They should suspend him without pay.

Please STFU. Every once in a while, a spanking is necessary. I've been lucky; my daughter is three and some change and I've never had to hit her until once, a few weeks ago. Sometimes, corporal punishment is needed and can be effective as long as you follow three rules:

(I feel like you left this hanging on purpose, Samer.)

Gawker promised that images like this would be hidden in the greys.

[Over the PA]

What? Did a child psychologist fuck your wife or something? This is one of the weirdest posts I've ever read.

Yeah, this is a racial difference. White people want to file an affidaivit with their child to get them to finish their vegetables. Black kid talking back to a parent will get punched in the chest if he's not careful. Beating a 4 year old with a switch, while not something I would do, is something that's going to

Slavery is becoming the new Godwin's Law on the internet

Sounds more like he's explaining a reality. I suppose that's the same as slavery apologists except it's not really at all.

Switches, belts with brass ringlets, pots, vacuum cleaner extentision (we are talking 1970's vacyum cleaners R2 units), anything and everything. I turned out fine and I will never raise my hand to my children. I ended the cycle.

That's a Houston suburb, and I don't think many Texans fans are operating under the impression that all they need is one superstar from another division suspended to get their team to the big show.

"Ignorance is not a suitable defense."

You're a pathetic little bug, likely one of those poor, put-upon white males who actually thinks HE is the one who is oppressed. People who complain about political correctness are the same sad bastards who long for the days they could slap around a woman when she talks back and anyone darker than a pillow would be

"Just be a politically correct ultra leftist, and you'll be fine. "

If you think the idea that men are occasionally responsible for domestic abuse is an extreme view, I fear for all the women in your life.

It's really funny how people like you equate conservatism with manliness. Explains a lot about the country today.

I'm pretty sure ESPN is as corporate as they come. Nothing leftist about ESPN.

Nobody is making you read this site.