Ian Fleming

Worlds Without End was an awesome story. Kudos for remembering it.

Mr Saxon, You Are Not Alone.

Hate to break it to you but nobody is forcing you to watch.

Luckily she makes up for it in sheer awesomeness.

My guess is that it's part of Mace's regret at not being a genuine hero.

Ward is still dead.

Rogue One characters. X-Wings. Rebels Recon pretty much confirms that this is the direction of travel for season four. Looking forward to seeing the Battle of Scarif from the perspective of the Ghost crew.

I can't help it, Snyder started it.

I'm British so I have to ask the question, "Do Americans have the equivalent of the Trade Descriptions Act?" Because that murky, incoherent mess of a trailer should not have the name Justice League attached to it.

I liked it enough… but a lot of the episode felt like setup for next season rather than a rousing conclusion to this season. A "Two Towers" to next season's "Return Of The King" if you will. Speaking of season four I hope that we get lots of juicy ties to Rogue One. That movie is out now, we've seen Deathtroopers, now

This show is pretty much "C+" level. Being the best of the show merely moves it up to a "B-".

He could totally turn me.

The reality of the situation is that it is Marvel Television's parent company Marvel Entertainment who wants to do The Inhumans in live action but Marvel Studios (who've since split from Marvel Entertainment) are seemingly less keen. I'd wait to see the thing before dismissing it as a "failure". The core concept seems


Wow. You know how to put your angry words in bold. Awesome. Calm it or you will sprain something.

You know what smacks me around the chops? Simmons' "Don't hurt me" to LMD Fitz. Heartbreaking.

Best part? Agents will return with new episodes.

How many times… It's my real name! I didn't choose it. And I hate James Bond. ;-)

"I guess people don't watch it because it lacks the campy superhero shenanigans, characters and references all Supergirl, Flash or even LoT get." Superficial pleasures. I'll take AoS every time.

For you, the day AoS graced your TV screens was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.